Day 71 of 12/12, am I close?


I'm a first time grower, but researched for a long time on this site before giving it a try. I"m using a 250w hps (Veged with MH) and am currently on day 71 of 12-12.
This is bagseed, so I really didn't know if I had an indica or sativa, but it appears at this point it must be a sative.
The pics are not very good, but I'll take any advice I can get. I've used 2 different types of MG for nutes. Please don't flame, my first time and plan on upgrading next time around.
Leaves started yellowing a bit a couple of weeks ago. I didn't really worry, now some of them are getting crispy, but the buds appear to be in good shape.
I belive I"m done with nutes now, last nute shot was yesterday. Ive added mollasses with my straight water on non-nute days for the last month.
There are two different plants, I tried my best on the pics.
First I want to know if I'm doing something wrong and are the plants in danger? Most importantly, how far from harvest? I don't appear to have any amber trichs yet, and only a few cloudy. They mostly appear clear still at this point. I am using a 30x jewelers loop.

Thanks ahead of time. Any advice is much appreciated.



Active Member
Its really hard to get a good look at trichs with anything less than 60x zoom. You can get a REALLY nice 10 dollar 60-100x pocket scope from any Radio Shack. Its gonna be really hard to tell without one. To me, if I seen a pic or only your fan leaves I would stay chop now, but the pics of the buds look like they could use a bit more time. So yea! The leaves could've prematurely crisped up if you had any one of a number of problems. But overall! They look pretty sexual for a first time! Thats for sure :)


Well-Known Member
Excellent first grow! It looks like you can harvest any time now, but as they say, when you think they're ready, give it another week. As far as the MG debate, if it works for you, and it looks like it has, stick with it. The leaves turning and crisping happens as a plant nears the end of it's life cycle, perfectly normal. If you give them another week or even two, they may swell up a bit more for you and add some density. If you're the impatient type, especially as this is your first grow, you can harvest now and by the looks of things be quite happy with the results. Don't wait for too many amber trichs. If you're seeing some now, I'd chop now unless you want the couchlock type buz. You've done quite well and hopefully will put the same care and patience into a proper cure. Again, great job and it looks like you'll be quite pleased with your first run.


Well-Known Member
Looks good to me also. Im sure another week wouldn't hurt em.

Try pullin a sample bud. Quick dry and see if u like the high.


Well-Known Member
You can remove those yellowed fan leaves as soon as they are more than 50% yellow. You are 1-2 weeks past time to harvest, I believe.



Active Member
I concur with removing those leaves, particularly the crispy ones. The do look ready, based on color. Hard to say without seeing the trichs. Perhaps do as inda suggested. Take the top buds now, give the lower ones another week-10 days.


Well-Known Member
i'd cut them pretty soon and start a new grow. too bad you just ferted. i'd water them at least a couple times before you cut them. if you don't your joints won't burn well which is really annoying.

in the olden days, before we knew to check trichs, we'd check the hairs. the rule of thumb was that if 80% of the hairs are red, they are pretty much ready. not the best way to tell but not bad for newer growers.

do a bunch of reading about nutes while your next batch of seedlings is in! you fried those leaves! they died in agony! lol

cut the dead leaves. they're doing nothing.

you can get some good cheap nutes like dynagrow products if money is an issue.


Thanks for the advice guys. The soonest I can possibly harvest is a week from Sat (Nov 26), and I plan on doing it then. I will be away until then and my wife is watering them (straight water) until my return. Hopefully they don't go too long. I'm not sure if that's possible.
I'm happy to hear any other opinions or advice. For the next time, I plan to use better nutes, add a few CFL's on the sides, and start from some good seeds.