Day 9 auto


Well-Known Member
looks fine. what's your medium???? i see coco and perlite

generally with auto's in a nutrition-less base you feed light and water light. so you'll end up watering and feeding pretty frequently. a plastic turkey baster could help keep you watering slowly.

in a base with nutrients added you probably wont need to apply anything but dry top dress to slowly leach in.
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Well-Known Member
It's bio-bizz all mix I would say it's quite rich in nutrients but not too hot as I started in it and haven't seen any signs of it suffering yet ..

I water out of a 2L bottle with holes In the lid , maybe go through the 2L in a week just keeping the soil moist and when she's a few weeks old I'll start letting her dry out properly and try water once/twice a week using the whole bottle as apposed to the baby approach im taking now .

250w HPS grower

Well-Known Member
hello mate, that looks like a nice healthy seedling you got there. I don't use nuits for the first 14 days in BioBizz soil and when I do its very little to start off with working it up slowly. Topping is a no no with autos, some autos respond well to training and some don't. I managed to keep my main cola the same size as the side colas on the one I'm doing now with a few bends here and there. But that was a gamble that I took. I like to have all my buds roughly at the same height in flower that way i know all my buds are getting the same amount of light penetration. Have a look at my main cola its the one right at the back on the right hand side.



Well-Known Member
I've ordered my bio-bizz tester today should be here by end of week .
250ml ea grow,bloom,topmax.

I'm nervous as fuck about the idea of training her so I might just let her do her thing , should be plenty light for her when put my LEDs up.

She's 2 weeks old this week so next week could see her first dose of nutes , maybe 1/4 grow and 1/4 cal mag see how she takes it .

When do you start bloom/topmax on autos at first sign of flowering ?

250w HPS grower

Well-Known Member
I've ordered my bio-bizz tester today should be here by end of week .
250ml ea grow,bloom,topmax.

I'm nervous as fuck about the idea of training her so I might just let her do her thing , should be plenty light for her when put my LEDs up.

She's 2 weeks old this week so next week could see her first dose of nutes , maybe 1/4 grow and 1/4 cal mag see how she takes it .

When do you start bloom/topmax on autos at first sign of flowering ?
hello mate, yeah I make ya right about letting her just do her thing. yeah I use half a ml of grow to 4 ltr water and build up the grow by half a ml each time other wise you will burn the tips of the leafs. I use the bloom as soon as I see the white pistols, you can up the bloom a little bit more than the grow each time as the auto will be very sensitive to the grow. the top max I add on the next watering with the bloom


Well-Known Member
I probably won't bother uping the bloom as I'll be throwing in bud candy,overdrive and big bud in the mix at some point ..
I mix up in 2L bottles so will start on 1/4ml with the grow and 1/4rec dose on cal mag ..

Only adding cal-mag as I'm using rain water so I don't get the benefit of the additives in my tap water , would this understanding be right ? Lol

250w HPS grower

Well-Known Member
be intrested in seeing how yours turn out using the big bud and overdrive, might get some meself if it looks good lol.

I know rain waters ment to be good for plants, but got no experience in using it myself, I just use room temp water that's been sitting for 24 hours then I ph it down to 6.5


Well-Known Member
Just gotta figure out how I'm gonna play it with the bloom/ topmax ..
I think I'll keep them at a consistent dose throughout flower . So first sign pistol,
Week8 bud-candy

Seems like a lot though now I've wrote it down lol

250w HPS grower

Well-Known Member
Just gotta figure out how I'm gonna play it with the bloom/ topmax ..
I think I'll keep them at a consistent dose throughout flower . So first sign pistol,
Week8 bud-candy

Seems like a lot though now I've wrote it down lol
sounds like a good idea keeping em at same dose if your using other products, that schedule looks pretty dam good if you ask me. Looks like your be on to a winner there.

I will be watching close by with me popcorn lol


Well-Known Member
you gotta give em a little N for the first 2 or 3 weeks of flowering. not a load but if you cut em off completely you're gonna get a lot of early yellowing
Is N nitrogen ? If so my cal-mag contains it I think , not sure without looking but I will check , pretty sure one of my AN bloom nutes contains nitrogen as well if so would that be enough to prevent yellowing?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
yes, N is nitrogen, and calmag does come with some. it might be enough, but calmag isn't meant to be used as a primary fertilizer. dunno, try it and see if it works, won't tell you flat out that it won't


Well-Known Member
I could incorporate a little bit of bio-bizz grow during early bloom ? I'll definatly make sure she's got a reasonable source of N for the first week or 2 of flowering now though so thanks 4 looking out :)