Day one....First grow.....


Active Member
Hey RIU,

After 2 months of research and gathering supplies I am finally on day one (its amazing how much shit i still need!! lol) and yes im so anxious and excited to see what my first grow brings me.....i currently have 28 freshly rooted seeds planted (this morning). 3 of the 28 were actually planted 5 days ago so technically 3 plants are on day 6....

my strains are...

20 super lemon haze

3 og kush

5 skywalker

Note: before i even started i had to run to new elctrical lines to the room so that i can have sufficent power without overheating electric panel units...


7'x7' room (9 ft cieling) walls lined with mylar
Roots organic 707 soil
oakton ph meter (waterproof)
moisture meter
2 1000 w lights )mh for veg, hps for flower)
1 8 inch vortex inline fan
3 oscilating room fans
Azatrol, roots excelerator, bushmaster...also,
botanicare nutes+bud candy+big buds enhancers..(may have forgotten a thing or two lol im stoned sorry..hehehe)

things i will acquire within the month.....

co2 regulater/system/meter
reverse osmosis purifier
carbon scubber
2 additional 8" vortex inline fans...
1 more 1000 w ballast, hood, bulb, etc...

as of now my one and only inline fan is keeping the one light im using cool for the next few weeks till they (the wittle babiez)get a little beefier, then i will kick the 2nd light on....

NOTE: in case ya'll are wondering....even with my two 1000 watt lights on temps in this area never exceed 78 f to 79 f thanks to great insulation..I also have a 2 ton AC unit if need be....

my ventilation system is somewhat under construction still, i have to cutt 2 more 8" holes so that i can have one fan suck air from outside (always nice temps here in cali)in through the lights, where another fan pulls the hot air to a seperate outside location. I will also have a seperate fresh incoming air vent connected to a inline fan and timer disbursing fresh air in the room every 4 hours...(along with co2 supplementation i believe this will be effective) My carbon scrubber will NOT be vented to outside, i plan on running the scrubber (circulating only the air in the room) 24/7 but on a adjustable speed switch, just so i dont have to have the fan cranked full force continuosly.....

anyways im very excited, as you all know its alot of work to get this shit rollin, especially if your tryin to do it big....this is my first indoor grow btw. Id be lying if i said i wasnt trying to harvest some weight, however im very eager to learn, and honestly, knowledge in this case is just as fruitfull as a huge yield IMO..... a couple pics below, I thank all of you here who have givin me some ideas, information, and directions as well on where to go, I realize this is kind of a jump in the lake to learn to swim situation, so here i go!!!!!

PLEASE feel free to gimmie input people!! i will HIGHly appreciate it...

I will post more pics with updates on this thread!! thanks again!!



Well-Known Member
Sounds pretty ambitious for a first grow, but I think you're definately on the right track! The two biggest things you're going to have to watch, is the heat with those lights, and keeping the plants at the correct moisture level. Keep on posting as you progress, good luck!


Active Member
Thank you!!

Your right, im very ambitious.....ive grown many different types of plants outside and have had wondefull success, however ive never had the oppurtunity to be the "controller" of my enviroment with killer far as the heat themostat is set at no higher than 80 degrees f it will not be any hotter than that in the room PERIOD....and as far as moisture goes...many noobs such as myself tend to love em to death if conclusion, i just promised myself to not over do it with water or nutes....thanks for your response and also for the luck, imma need it!!!!!!

Sounds pretty ambitious for a first grow, but I think you're definately on the right track! The two biggest things you're going to have to watch, is the heat with those lights, and keeping the plants at the correct moisture level. Keep on posting as you progress, good luck!


Active Member
Hey RIU,

Just wanted to ask any experienced indoor growers if my lighting schedule is ok for my currently on 18/6....i heard that 12/12 is also good for newly hatched seeds as well, should i just stick with the program im on 18/6??? or is it in the sprouts best interest to change it to 12/ currently using 1 1000 w mh for my 28 sprouts...its about 4 feet above the babies because it seems to be so intense.....advice please!!!

Thank you!!

Your right, im very ambitious.....ive grown many different types of plants outside and have had wondefull success, however ive never had the oppurtunity to be the "controller" of my enviroment with killer far as the heat themostat is set at no higher than 80 degrees f it will not be any hotter than that in the room PERIOD....and as far as moisture goes...many noobs such as myself tend to love em to death if conclusion, i just promised myself to not over do it with water or nutes....thanks for your response and also for the luck, imma need it!!!!!!


Active Member
im having trouble believeing that 47 good people of riu wouldnt just ignore such a anticipated question! I just want some advice on the lighting for my newly rooted seeds as posted below! your help is truly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!

Hey RIU,

Just wanted to ask any experienced indoor growers if my lighting schedule is ok for my currently on 18/6....i heard that 12/12 is also good for newly hatched seeds as well, should i just stick with the program im on 18/6??? or is it in the sprouts best interest to change it to 12/ currently using 1 1000 w mh for my 28 sprouts...its about 4 feet above the babies because it seems to be so intense.....advice please!!!
Wow looks good so far bro.. What are you keeping your humidity at? As far as your lighting goes I keep my 1000 watt @4-5 feet away depending how strong they look. Then once my plants get into full veg state i lower the light as close as i can get without burning them, the more light the better.(my friend uses a light mover it trolleys his 1 1000watt back and forth over the garden and he gets the light way closer that way.) Try to put your hand under it if its to hot for your hand going to be to hot for your ladys.( Get a light meter) I use 18/6 in my garden then 12/12 flower with a SHOCK RIPENING at harvest. If you dont know that one let me know. Good luck !! Peace man


Active Member
Awesome thanks for the replies.......I have never heard of SHOCK RIPENING.....i am very interested to hear more on this.....not clear on the humidity in the room yet, i dont have a hygrometer or humidifier for a week or two.....however i do know its dry in the room because i live in the desert....i heard that high humidity atmosphere for seedlings (such as a clone dome, or plastic wrap) isnt the optimal option in every case and is usually a practice of far as the positiong of my 1000 w mh i think its where it is most effective, about 4 ft above (as recomended by last poster) none of the seeds have made above the soil yet so im guessing itll be at least two weeks before both 1000 w mh's are kicked on.....i will be posting pics every week or so, keeping somewhat of a journal along the way, i am quite sure i will run into a obstacle or two happens! thank you rep for all those who replied:bigjoint:

Wow looks good so far bro.. What are you keeping your humidity at? As far as your lighting goes I keep my 1000 watt @4-5 feet away depending how strong they look. Then once my plants get into full veg state i lower the light as close as i can get without burning them, the more light the better.(my friend uses a light mover it trolleys his 1 1000watt back and forth over the garden and he gets the light way closer that way.) Try to put your hand under it if its to hot for your hand going to be to hot for your ladys.( Get a light meter) I use 18/6 in my garden then 12/12 flower with a SHOCK RIPENING at harvest. If you dont know that one let me know. Good luck !! Peace man
Yeah bud get a hygrometer/thermometer asap @$5 bucks for a cheep one. You have alot into it already not to get one.. When you do I keep my humidity about 50% when in veg. then down to 30% when flowering..


Well-Known Member
That light is pretty intense for seedlings, I definately wouldn't move it any closer. If they haven't broken ground yet, it would be to your advantage to put something over them to serve as a humidity dome. Not only will it help your seeds grow, but it will assist you in avoiding the number one killer of seeds - drying out during the germination process.


Active Member
Hey everyone bought a hygrometer and found out my humidity was at a low 38% and my soil was coninuously drying, but i kept it continously moist....however nothing sprouted untill i watered again (because the soil was so dry) and covered the cups with plastic wrap, then literally within 30 minutes two sprouted up!!!!!yet and its day two and only 2 out of 25 have sprouted so far....i bought humidifier from wal mart and it sux!!!!!!!! my humidity remains at 38 to 39 % in the temp is 78 -79 f on a mission for a good humidifier tommorow....any advice??? any input?? thanks

really nice setup and sounds expensive too well wishes for u mate
Hey everyone bought a hygrometer and found out my humidity was at a low 38% and my soil was coninuously drying, but i kept it continously moist....however nothing sprouted untill i watered again (because the soil was so dry) and covered the cups with plastic wrap, then literally within 30 minutes two sprouted up!!!!!yet and its day two and only 2 out of 25 have sprouted so far....i bought humidifier from wal mart and it sux!!!!!!!! my humidity remains at 38 to 39 % in the temp is 78 -79 f on a mission for a good humidifier tommorow....any advice??? any input?? thanks
Hey next time you grow or whatever try to soak your seeds in distilled water for 12-24 hours then place in your medium. Dont even turn a light on till they pop up a in or so from your medium. Then shine away.. This should help with your humidity as well.. You will know some shit on indoor growing when your done with these ladys.... Will be asking you for tips/ peace brother:bigjoint::bigjoint:
That light is pretty intense for seedlings, I definately wouldn't move it any closer. If they haven't broken ground yet, it would be to your advantage to put something over them to serve as a humidity dome. Not only will it help your seeds grow, but it will assist you in avoiding the number one killer of seeds - drying out during the germination process.
Drying out is one for sure another is over-watering your little gems.......:wall:


Active Member
Whats crackin RIU???

Its day three of my first indoor cannibus you have read (in this thread) in previous posts, between day 1 and today i had a air moisture issue. I woke my ass up early with a mission to fix it!! so, i made literally over 20 calls to find a humidifier worth a damn, to replace this worthless walmart humidifier.

Note: The walmart humidifier just wasnt what I needed, it may work for someone with a smaller area, perhaps a closet or small tint, but for a room....NO.

I guess here in the desert humidifiers are a rareity! (fucking aggravating) Finally on my 20th or so call i found it!!!! a Kenmore cool mist 8 gallon humidifier.

here is a picture below

Drying out is one for sure another is over-watering your little gems.......:wall:



Active Member
So....anywyas here on day three i got the humidifier and two more humidomes....within 30 minutes of starting the humidifier and putting cups in domes..the humity level rose from a low 33% (last nite and this morning) to 47%!!!! (as seen in the photo below) of now my humidity is at 53%...i have a humidistat built into the unit which will keep this room there consistantly....

most of the seeds have made it above ground, just waiting for a few more to pop up, im relieved to have solved the humidity issue....cant wait till i need to maintain 30% humidity during flower!!!:wall:

heres some pics of day three, nothing really to look at yet but hopefully soon!!!!!!! thanks for all of your time!!:bigjoint:

Please post input and comments, and even questions, i am looking foward to hearing from you RIU!!!!

Whats crackin RIU???

Its day three of my first indoor cannibus you have read (in this thread) in previous posts, between day 1 and today i had a air moisture issue. I woke my ass up early with a mission to fix it!! so, i made literally over 20 calls to find a humidifier worth a damn, to replace this worthless walmart humidifier.

Note: The walmart humidifier just wasnt what I needed, it may work for someone with a smaller area, perhaps a closet or small tint, but for a room....NO.

I guess here in the desert humidifiers are a rareity! (fucking aggravating) Finally on my 20th or so call i found it!!!! a Kenmore cool mist 8 gallon humidifier.

here is a picture below


im having trouble believeing that 47 good people of riu wouldnt just ignore such a anticipated question! I just want some advice on the lighting for my newly rooted seeds as posted below! your help is truly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!
I also am a 1st timer and had the same concern but received very reliable info regarding your problem. I was advised that the plants should be at around 2 - 4 feet depending on your setup. I have my light set at Approx. 3 feet above the plants. As the plants begin to get taller, you may want to raise the light to allow for adequate height and your plants do not receive too much light to where the leaves and the plants becomes burnt, dry, flop over and eventually pass on. That you dont want. I have read many threads and spoken with many individuals who have had previous success and have noticed that the advise was not consistent but also it seems like the fundamentals are relatively the same but each method may seem to work differently for some than they would for others but if done right, the end result should be the same. With this being said, I am very open to advise, suggestions or criticism.


Active Member
thank you for reading my post. i currently have my plants about 4 ft below the lights...they are 3 days old and are doing great at this height, especially since i have solved a humidity issue i was encountering yesterday....The next time i germinate i am going to use t5 lights, they seem to work well for a few individuals i know, so far ive learned growing is alot like the field of medicine, its just experimntation, trial and error.... this would be why it makes since those with more experience usually do a little brtter....(modestly said) I am sure if used those t5's i wouldnt of had a humidity problem.....the only room in this building with low humidity was this grow room, and this occurs with the hid 's on.

thank you for your feedback!!

I also am a 1st timer and had the same concern but received very reliable info regarding your problem. I was advised that the plants should be at around 2 - 4 feet depending on your setup. I have my light set at Approx. 3 feet above the plants. As the plants begin to get taller, you may want to raise the light to allow for adequate height and your plants do not receive too much light to where the leaves and the plants becomes burnt, dry, flop over and eventually pass on. That you dont want. I have read many threads and spoken with many individuals who have had previous success and have noticed that the advise was not consistent but also it seems like the fundamentals are relatively the same but each method may seem to work differently for some than they would for others but if done right, the end result should be the same. With this being said, I am very open to advise, suggestions or criticism.