Day One, Week One 12/12 (5th week)


Active Member
Finished 4th week changing from 24 to 18/6. First full day into 12/12. The twins got a little too tall the last few days, may have to weigh/tie them off. Others are very nice and tight, even a small aroma. No sexes yet
whatcha think?


Well-Known Member
nice looking plants, how many lights do you have them under? If I were you I'd seriously consider topping the tall ones, they're going to get at least twice that big in flowering.


Active Member
yeah, they defied my close CFL treatment, but still got lanky, have tied one down in the past, seemed to work fine, might be an option as well


Well-Known Member
dont top no its WAY to late for that.

Topping should be done in veg. The point is to take one shoot and turn it into two and then having a bush type. You would be KILLING your yeild if you topped now.

However tying them down is a VERY good option. Get you a little bit bigger pot and then take push pins and tie all the shoots down with some string. When doing the Top Carefully do it.

Check out my grow journal and go to the end and look at my girl tied down.


Well-Known Member
For the REAL tall one I don't think even tyin her/him down will even help she/he is really lanky. Just get some extra lights around her in flower.


Active Member
i knew topping wasn't an option, thanks for making sure, here is a pic of one i had just tied over right now i have 9 lights, had 5 6700's and 4 2700's during veg, i think i might take a few and place them in strategic places



Active Member
didn't explain well, the last pic is of a previous grow, and currently I am running 9 2700K's, now finished 3rd full day in flower, very early signs of sex on 2 of the 4, will check tomorrow and update


Well-Known Member
aight man. Next time you should keep them a little shorter especially with cfls. Or try just getting some good indicas from a seed bank. Sativas are pretty hard with cfls unless you keep them short from seedling. Like topping on their 5th or 6th set of leaves and then tying branches down to create a flat canopy ya know? I like your progress though.

Check my grow out.


Active Member
well thats the thing, I did try to keep them short, the other two are well and stout, these two are just really poor quality, came from unknown bagseeds, and currently all four seem to be showing female so far, the next day or two will bring a definate answer though.


Active Member
Well, it has never taken this long to sex before, although a little warmer due to more lighting. Took away a few bulbs. Ended up with 2 very lanky (and now bent and twisted) and another of moderate proportion females, little shorty ended up male. Updated pic leaves still turning upright.



Active Member
need to increase humidity a bit, got any ideas? I think in the past I foliar sprayed before they go dark.


Well-Known Member
The bowl of water sounds like a good idea if the temp is right for it. You could also hang some like wet towels in the room or something that would work.


Active Member
Things are looking good, got quite a few bud sites. All three girls look healthy and strong. Giving doses of mollasses on occasion. Humidity around 20-22%


Active Member
two are tied down and one is just sprawling. I will admit this one got away from me a bit. Had a week or so with no progression, guess the roots were building up for the added strain of them. But now things are begining to progress again