Day Time High vs Night Time High? (Share your experience)


So basically, I have smoked weed during the day and during the night.

-Being high at day time: there's bright colors (red, orange, yellow), i feel warm and i feel like swimming in my neighbors pool with my friends.

-Being high at night time: there's dark colors (blue, purple), i feel cold but not to cold and feel like going to the movies with my old lady or chilling at a lounge bar and meeting new people or talking to friends.

Tell me how you feel...

Toke Up! :leaf:

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
i feel tired during the day if i smoke to much. i like to have a good sativa or vape during the day to keep me less tired then at night take fat bong rips to get me really high and i just relax and fall asleep.


Well-Known Member
I prefer in the evening. During the day, it just fogs me up and makes me tired, and I dont get much done. At night I just chill anyway and enjoy it more


Active Member
night time weed makes me sleepy. In the winter I like to wake at 3 in the morning smoke a bowl and workout before work


Well-Known Member
Day time high = play games, make deliveries, chill, and be happy and awake.

Night time high = sleepy... masturbation..sleep


Well-Known Member
i loved to be stoned 24/7 but trying to act like your not stoned is no fun at all ;-)

depends on what im smoking but horny is defo a feeling i get a lot of on weed and defo get my silly giggle head on................. why not be stoned is what i say ;-)

if we all had a spliff at the same time all over the world then there will be world peace for and hour or 2 ;-)

