

Hey guys! this is my first thread ever, so forgive me if i leave some shit out.lol.

I have a cupboard grow with 3 levels(each level has 6 x 2 ft fl warm & cool white bulbs). My pots are 250mm wide x 300mm deep(give or take), and being from South Africa, I dont know how many gallons that is.
I leave the lights on 24/7, as they are all seedlings in their 1st month of growth.At the moment, im only using 2 levels, as i am SO SICK of my failing attempts.lol
I also have a wendy house with 4x 400watt MH lights for when they get bigger.

My strains are at the moment..THC Bomb, Citral, Super Skunk and White Widow.
The problem is..none of them seem to be healthy(ie.they small, and some have yellow leaves, and some have yellow leaves with the ends going brown and crispy).
I am using rain water only, and havent given them nutes as they are so tiny.
Anything I might be missing?


Well-Known Member
What medium are you growing in? Does it have time-released nutrients that could be too harsh for seedlings?


The lights are over 5 inches away from the plants. To Auzzie- What exactly are time released nutes? They are growing in soil(which is a lawn dressing and sterlilized), and have perlite and vermiculite in the pots aswel. The one thing i think it could be, is the fact that i dont have a humidifier. But i dont see how that could be causing such a shit success rate?


i shall take some pics tonight and post them tommorrow.that might give you guys a better idea on the setup!


Active Member
That's to close. Try aout 12 inches. Its not the time release, Ive started seeds in time release soil. But if your vermiculite has it as well, it will be to hot.Try changing your medium.


ok shall do. I thought it might be to far, as iv read that floros should be 2 inches from the top of the plant? What medium should i try then? And how would i change it without disrupting the babies?


Active Member
I use astore brand (generic) that has very little nutes in it. To remove your seedlings, take a tablespoon and very gentley dig aroundabout 2 inches away around your plant deep enough not to disturb the roots. Don't over water, just keep moist. Good luck.