why you gotta be such a dick all the time? especially when you are wrong so often, it really makes you look small. Little Uncle Bucktard is what you make me think of.
Are police allowed to carry weapons in gun free zones? You can't seem to win an argument with facts, so you have to distort the truth like a good little soldier and use misdirection. I've noticed when you argue from the side of indisputable facts, you act like a normal person, when you argue from the side of emotion AGAINST the facts, you get really belligerent and seventh gradish. I bet you even pout like a little girl when you make these posts, maybe stomp your feet a bit? Sometimes it's entertaining, most of the time you just keep honest and intelligent debate from happening here.
Isn't there a Trayvon thread you can race bait in?
Columbine, gun free (Buck ignores this fact)
Colorado movie theater, gun free (ignored fact)
Newtown school, gun free (ignored fact)
Ft. Hood, gun restricted to MP (ignored fact, also ignored that it's still classified as work place violence costing surviving family members thousands of dollars a year in rightful benefits)
Navy shooting also takes place in a gun free zone, Buck mentions that a gun was taken off an MP and declares that these shootings did not occur in a gun free zone, calls names and declares victory. Idiotic mouth breathers will like his post.