DEA raiding marijuana dispensaries in Puget Sound region


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DEA raiding marijuana dispensaries in Puget Sound region

By Associated Press Published: Jul 24, 2013 at 2:52 PM PDT Last Updated: Jul 24, 2013 at 5:10 PM PDT

SEATTLE (AP) - Federal agents have raided a number of medical marijuana dispensaries in the Puget Sound region.

Drug Enforcement Administration spokeswoman Jodie Underwood said Wednesday afternoon the operation was under way. She declined to immediately provide details about how many dispensaries were being targeted or how many search warrants were being executed.

Washington state legalized adult possession of up to an ounce of marijuana last fall, but marijuana remains illegal under federal law.

Seattle medical marijuana attorney Douglas Hiatt said the targeted dispensaries include Seattle Cross, Tacoma Cross and Bayside Collective in Olympia.

Bayside employee Addy Norton said agents seized personal cell phones of dispensary workers and pot, but left computers and about $1,000 in cash. Agents told her the raid was part of a two-year investigation, and she said she was ordered to appear before a federal grand jury in Seattle in September.

The raid came just days after Bayside was burglarized on Sunday night.
Interesting, Tacoma and Seattle cross, a doctor South Center area has these dispensaries as links on his site wonder if patients are in risk too?
This is some fucking bullshit why are these redneck Feds still going after marijuana it's legal for christ sake and while there raiding these safe access dispensaries there just encouraging street dealers and putting more money in the hands of gangs drug dealers and cartels. Who remembers that commercial Obama made this election with harold and kumar false hope is all it was god I'm glad I didnt vote for that child murderer
LOL the Feds are wasting more time and money! For the love of all things holy (including CANNABIS), spend resources on taking shithead drunk drivers off the road and ridding our society of HARMFUL substances that aren't a naturally occurring thing.
You have to realize behind closed doors the ones who are "fighting the war on drugs" are the ones who are profiting the most from it because they are sadly the same group that supplies most of the black market. The Iran Contra is a prime example of this. Nothing has changed since then and it won't change for a LONG time. The whole reason they shut down dispensaries like these is to drive its customers back into the black market
Washington State does not want Medical it sits now they cant tax it..... the Feds will come in and shut down the medical stores... then the State will make it so home grows are not allowed....but the taxed retail stores will open and remain open....the State will effectively eliminate all non taxed marijuana except for the blackmarket
What the fools don't realize is even if they shut down all the dispensaries, most medical marijuana patients and cannabis smokers in general would rather take their chances with the black market paying an average of $250.00 for an ounce of killer bud rather than pay 12 bucks a gram or $336.00 an ounce plus sales tax for the swag being sold in the goverment controled stores, which under state law will have a maximum THC content of 15%. It's all about the taxes that they currently are not allowed to charge dispensaries or their patients, but if they think they're going to get one penny from me or anyone that I know, the greedy bastards are sadly mistaken. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
One step forward, two steps back. There is more to this story than what we are being told.

The Feds targeted only certain dispensaries, why would they not hit them all instead of only a few. Even them Feds gotta know they are wasting their time and money ffs.
What the fools don't realize is even if they shut down all the dispensaries, most medical marijuana patients and cannabis smokers in general would rather take their chances with the black market paying an average of $250.00 for an ounce of killer bud rather than pay 12 bucks a gram or $336.00 an ounce plus sales tax for the swag being sold in the goverment controled stores, which under state law will have a maximum THC content of 15%. It's all about the taxes that they currently are not allowed to charge dispensaries or their patients, but if they think they're going to get one penny from me or anyone that I know, the greedy bastards are sadly mistaken. ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

.....15% thc maximum?..... no such state law
Who knows what these dispensaries were involved in. Bottom line, the Feds can bust anyone who distributes marijuana at will. We do not have any rights. We pretty much give up our 2nd Ammendment Rights as well, pot and guns fall under the tyrannical mandatory sentencing Laws. Dispensaries owner can't defend themselves or thier property from criminals and/or the Feds. The system is a complete joke. Vote! Yeah like that games is already rigged at so many levels. Until the Masses realize obedience only keeps us enslaved we will never be FREE. So we adapt, comply and do the best to provide for our Families. We focus on the obstacles in front of us, but the system is designed that way. We deal with the symptoms instead of just curing the disease. My Rant.
Washington State does not want Medical it sits now they cant tax it..... the Feds will come in and shut down the medical stores... then the State will make it so home grows are not allowed....but the taxed retail stores will open and remain open....the State will effectively eliminate all non taxed marijuana except for the blackmarket

It's FAR too late to close down homegrows... if it becomes illegal they'll get some because neighbors snitch, but they'll never get em all, I'm sure the number of WA growers exceeds 10,000, good luck shutting that down!!
they hit not all of them because they need the income flowing all the time, if they shut them all down then no more money after a year or two, if they shut down 4 and leave 10 open thats 10 more they can knock off laterfor a few million, when will people realize that its just the govt's way of making money, they will never stop, as long as there is money to steal from the people this will continue to happen

welcome to 'merika!