dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

So this cop in Dallas deserved to get gunned down and die without any form of due process or flushing out the evidence to see what its all about. Just death.

You're a piece of shit for thinking its just ok to kill someone. You're a piece of shit for thinking the sick bastard that did all the shooting had any notion that this man had any of those tats or had any other rational basis for his actions.

Unless you have a long record of abuse of power by these cops then their death is unjustified and the shooter is 100% villian.
So this cop in Dallas deserved to get gunned down and die without any form of due process or flushing out the evidence to see what its all about. Just death.

You're a piece of shit for thinking its just ok to kill someone. You're a piece of shit for thinking the sick bastard that did all the shooting had any notion that this man had any of those tats or had any other rational basis for his actions.

Unless you have a long record of abuse of power by these cops then their death is unjustified and the shooter is 100% villian.
@ThickStemz , please remove your "like" from under my earlier post. Your name sits underneath that post like a maggoty dog turd and I'd appreciate if would please clean up after yourself.
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So this cop in Dallas deserved to get gunned down and die without any form of due process or flushing out the evidence to see what its all about. Just death.

You're a piece of shit for thinking its just ok to kill someone. You're a piece of shit for thinking the sick bastard that did all the shooting had any notion that this man had any of those tats or had any other rational basis for his actions.

Unless you have a long record of abuse of power by these cops then their death is unjustified and the shooter is 100% villian.

You know buck is just trolling in response to thr continued character assassination of police brutality and murder victims.

The REALLY fucked up thing about it is that he shot at random and endEd up hitting a shitty racist cop. What does that say about the cops? They must be lousy with them.
It depends on the cops but in NYC the cops don't live around the people they patrol. They don't even live in the urban areas. They live in segregated Police and Firefighter neighborhoods that are 99% white.,_Queens

Just like the people here who swear they're not racist but defend the shit out of their narrow world view. How are you ever going to stop fearing and start understanding if you never interact with anyone different outside of preceived criminal altercations?
On one hand I hate guns in the hands of private citizens but on the other hand I want to shoot all the police because they are only here to protect white people.

Slight correction white people with money. The cops here don't put up with shit from the rednecks either, they don't shoot them as quickly as brothers get shot but they don't humor them either

Money. These might as well all be small company towns.
New York was cleaned up for Disney. Giuliani killed the homeless (j/k he just forced them into the subways), instituted stop and frisk and grew the police force to protect all the businesses and tourists that grew up watching Friday the 13th part 8 Jason Goes To Manhattan (oh no crackhead breakdancers with switchblades will steal my purse)
Gentrification ensues.
Felicity moved here for fucks sake. Convincing every middle class family in America that it was safe to send there sheltered children there.
9/11 gave the Police tanks and drones. POor and minorities cant walk around the city freely because of racial profiling (out of sight out of mind) Voila no one can afford to live there anymore. Can't dance without a license.
Police City
No even the poor whites need to be held accountable for all the racism by our police.

Exactly these pig fucking racists are ruining this site. Something has to be done about them they make the board look horrible.If you like cops you are a fucking nazi.
On one hand I hate guns in the hands of private citizens but on the other hand I want to shoot all the police because they are only here to protect white people.
Pot meet kettle, not real bright are ya?
It is kind of weird to be on a pot website and have racist asSholes posting anti muslim, anti immigrant, anti black messages. I'm all for discussion but it can't even begin if you immediately assume I'm less because of my race.

Why don't all the racists start a whites only weed site? Since you all are the best at everything imagine what the combined IQ of all those white people could accomplish with Marijuana. oh wait buck already posted the pics.
But seriously whites only weed site for you guys? Host the server on Molokai and you guys can all have a big kickoff party in Hawaii.
So this cop in Dallas deserved to get gunned down and die without any form of due process or flushing out the evidence to see what its all about. Just death.

You're a piece of shit for thinking its just ok to kill someone. You're a piece of shit for thinking the sick bastard that did all the shooting had any notion that this man had any of those tats or had any other rational basis for his actions.

Unless you have a long record of abuse of power by these cops then their death is unjustified and the shooter is 100% villian.
Don't you want to vote for trump that wants to kill innocent family members of terrorist?

That's killing innocent people.
So this cop in Dallas deserved to get gunned down and die without any form of due process or flushing out the evidence to see what its all about. Just death.

You're a piece of shit for thinking its just ok to kill someone. You're a piece of shit for thinking the sick bastard that did all the shooting had any notion that this man had any of those tats or had any other rational basis for his actions.

Unless you have a long record of abuse of power by these cops then their death is unjustified and the shooter is 100% villian.

that nazi cop is (or was, LOL) a medieval barbarian. i'm not worried.
Here come the nazi's out of the wood work to defend their brown shirts. Never once defended a post about a black man getting shot though. Racist you need to be banned from this site because of your hate speech.
I'm not white, simply pointing out you're a hypocrite. How about if people take responsibility for themselves and their situation. It's not always someone else's fault. The fact that some people need troll and fan flames regarding this issue speaks volumes of your character or lack of.
I'm not white, simply pointing out you're a hypocrite. How about if people take responsibility for themselves and their situation. It's not always someone else's fault. The fact that some people need troll and fan flames regarding this issue speaks volumes of your character or lack of.

poor little penis wielding person. this is the "smear the dead cop" thread. if you are not here to smear a dead cop, then go elsewhere. there are plenty of "smear the dead unarmed black kid" threads for you around here.