dead dallas cops: eat shit and die, scumbags

Bro your an ass. Im not even considering looking at the moronic shit you post.

If you puke up another gem like that " the best part...brown stain thing" you know that 'joke' your daughter learned at klan camp...i might take a look.
A brown stain exactly do you shit in rainbow colors?
what was your favortie part about this black man shooting down a nazi cop?

my favorite part was where the nazi cop died.

apparently, george w bush (the guy whose poster adorns your bedroom wall) is happy too!


either that, or the guy is back on the bottle again. or imitating reagan's demise into dementia.
I like all the looting i need a new tv, how bout you? Don't dish it out if you can't take it back
i never hesitated to answer your questions though. you are just blind, or dumb, or ignorant. perhaps you are blind and retarded and have a nanny that reads internet posts to you, but she failed to read my clear replies to you to spare your feelings or something. or maybe she is a bad nanny. i can't say how you missed my obvious answers though.

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well, welcome to the "smear the dead cops" thread.

so far, we know that one of the cops was a homicidal white nationalist who was just waiting for an excuse to kill. so we know that micah johnson quite possibly saved future lives by taking this guy out. so i would say at least 20% justified at this point.

i bet if we keep digging some more we will find out a whole bunch more dirt on the other 4 dead cops and we can smear those assholes as well.

even if all that we find out is that one of them had some pot on them in high school, that to me is enough to justify their deaths, since it was so readily used as justification in the death of trayvon martin.

ain't it a bitch how those double standards work?

I hate it when someone trys to give facts...then end it with lol

well, nothing even remotely racist about that.

Typical fuckin remark, run you mouth for miles then cry when you get it back. You got a big yellow stripe runnin down your back buck? Don't dish it out if you can't take it hypocrite. See your problem is the same as your boyfriends not in one post did I mention race. That's YOUR opinion on race not mine. You don't need another race to hold you down your dumb enough to do it on your own. Why is it you and testicles have to post together? Does it take two racist idiots to come up with the brilliance of calling someone a half wit moron. You're laughable. For your next reply one of you should type while the other records it screamin worldstar!!!!!! Fuckin skidmark
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no one has mentioned the hate the cops daughter wife sons etc is gonna carry out on black people for what happened...its a merry go round and I don't think it will stop
and before anyone paints me as a racist or what not im white proud and I also have a black daughter who im proud of
"Im tossing salads in prison" sounds like you have either experience or fantasies. Dude youre an idiot creeper.

You sound like a horse ass when you rant about "get it back" . Get what back, you slack pussy? Youre absolutely fucking impotent, harmless.