dead sprout?


Well-Known Member
no pics so I'll describe it as good as I can.

I started germinating about 4 days ago. I've been watering enough to keep the soil moist (about 2 very light waterings a day), I put the seed tail-down about 2cm into the dirt inside a very small Jiffy Pot. One sprout has emerged in a short period of time between checkups, but it's been laying down on it's side since before I even noticed it emerged. The part that vertically emerges from the soil is nearly identical to a standing seed of the same age, but it's head (what I call the top before the shell breaks off) appears really dry on the inside... and of course the most concerning part is that everything above soil is completely over to the side like a limp noodle.

Do sprouts of this nature often stand back up and begin to grow again, or does it sound like something that will more likely wither away?

edit: ok the shell is actually broken off, it may have just been loosely sitting there for a while but not attached - I say this because it came off just from me turning the plat (the jiffy pot sits on) around. there's no sign of living cotyledon leaves so I'm guessing the things dead. I'll give it some time though, and I'm kinda curious as to how it would have died too



Well-Known Member
a few of mine did that ,, the first two round leaves were dead ,, these 2 problem plants took about 4 days longer to emerge from the soil , & when they did them round leaves were brown & deadish ,,, but now there are new leaves emerging out & they look nice & green ,, so mabye give them a few more days & see what happens


Well-Known Member
awesome to hear that! was the plant laying over on its side too, or could it stand up when it first emerged?

I'll definitely give this one some more time... it looks deader than dead right now but better safe than sorry, and everyone who I've talked to has given me some hope. No big loss if it doesn't come back to health, and it doesn't really take much to give it some more time either so I'll let it be and hope for the best :D


Well-Known Member
my mistake may also have been to have sown the seed a little to early, when the taproot had still barely emerged and wasn't very long. It's been suggested that it could have been that or over watering but I'm leaning towards it having been too immature to be put in the jiffy pot.

I'll try to be both more patient and more cautious, regardless of weather this thing magically recovers. thanks missmandy, big guy and a couple others for helping me out with this one :mrgreen: