Dead Tired : Planet Insomnia (Crazy shit) no sleep kills

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
id say half the people here dont sleep much

just download 400mb
52mn 52s

The American Sleep Foundation reports that sleep deprivation, not cancer or coronary illness, now constitutes the number-one killer in the Western World. This episode investigates how sleep deprivation causes sickness and death.

In Dead Tired, new medical studies will reveal what many scientists have long believed - that sleep deprivation can trigger and exacerbate many diseases including heart disease, obesity, diabetes and even depression. Tonight's episode investigates how sleep deprivation causes sickness and death.


Well-Known Member
SoA, I have to say I can't understand your post right now. I'm too distracted by your avatar.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
xD yeah your not the only one (SomeGuy had bouncing boobs mine jiggly bottem xD)
Sleep aussie im a kiwi btw