Dead top leaves

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
My plant was getting too tall and was starting to yellow at the top so I decided I don't need a tall mother plant so I topped it. Well topping it helped the problem of it being to tall but the leaves progressed from just yellow with red stems, to yellow, brown spots, and brown tips. This is only the top of the plant the bottom is nice and green. I don't have a PH tester yet but I'm looking to buy one right away! On Jan 10th I gave my plant all-purpose chemical fertilizer and I gave her a sport size water bottle of it.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
If the pH is off certain nutes can be locked out and not absorbed by the roots, creating deficiencies. That looks like a P or K def.

What NPK did the fert have?

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I don't have a thermometer but the light is about 2 inches above the top leaves. I have a 42 watt daylight florescent. I have a fan blowing on the plant.
I just got a PH and chlorine tester. The water I've been giving it is Arrohead sport bottle. The chlorine level is .06 and the PH is 2.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
errrremmmm.....pH is 2?!?!! You either forgot a digit there or the water you're using is treated with stomach acid...:shock:
yea I'm using a old pice of crap pool PH and chlorine tester i found in the garage. I'm gonna get a new one. Do you know the PH of bottled Arrowhead water by any chance?