Deadhead OGx Tahoe Bagseed Run


Well-Known Member
Well I've just had one of the worst and most fustrating weeks thus far. I came home from work to find all my shit jacked other than a few vegged plants. Of course its my cock sucking roomy who made it look like a robbery. Anyone in the ass kicking business? All my shit is pulled and I won't have any journals for 5 weeks....Sparkin a joint as I still am in disbelief

Just 2 weeks ago i came home to the cock sucker jacking off on the couch in the livingroom...I know its tmi but what else could i walk into after work??

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the misfortune... this too shall pass. Any chance of getting the roomie out of there? Sound like he could be a bottom feeder with too much time and too little respect. good luck man, you'll figure it out..


Well-Known Member
Well I've just had one of the worst and most fustrating weeks thus far. I came home from work to find all my shit jacked other than a few vegged plants. Of course its my cock sucking roomy who made it look like a robbery. Anyone in the ass kicking business? All my shit is pulled and I won't have any journals for 5 weeks....Sparkin a joint as I still am in disbelief

Just 2 weeks ago i came home to the cock sucker jacking off on the couch in the livingroom...I know its tmi but what else could i walk into after work??
OMG! Are you fucking kidding me? :o I am laughing so hard right now, because you have to admit that is funny! Sorry to here about getting ripped. I know that hurts from experience so believe me when I say I feel your pain. Good luck and fucking kick dude's ass and then kick him out of your crib!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys. He did leave the set up but did stage a robbery and went and filed a police report. I did verify by going to the police station so now the cops know I grow and my name/number:wall: Feel stupid that I even went to verify but I cant believe the police don't care about breaking and entering. Worst case is that I'm not on the lease so I'm fucked here guys...Although I do have another house in the works its atleast another 5 weeks


Well-Known Member
He can steal everything you own. But he cannot escape the fact that he got caught jerking off my another dude. :shock: :o :spew:

Police will simply look down that way more often over next few weeks. That's it. When goof-troop attempted to make the report, that was their open invitation to go check it out. When you went to verify his shit, that was another opportunity to say, hey man. We will be right over. blah blah, lie lie. I think they believe this is a simple case of dumb dude, ripping off roomie. You may be able to turn him in for assaulting himself, that would put him in newspaper for sure.

For what it's worth, you put a new spin on the name Ripped Bubba.

Now you have 5 weeks to figure out how to disable a motherfucker he tries breaking into your new house. Personally, someone can do what they want. It's a rough world. But a son-of-a-bitch comes into my house unwelcome I want them dead as fucking dead. Security is a complicated issue. You are in a bind with 5-0 knowing the deal. You need to move on right now, then around next holiday you can even your score with hot hands.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Been a 'ripped bubba' more than one.
Hope those dayz are long past.
btw, I still have two RB seedlings both at about the ninth node. they are something to look forward to. that and those four reg. deadhead og (shit I'm tryin' cali connect, but only "4") that shall arrive later this the week. in less than 1 week, sexed 6 plants at 8th node by chuckin em into flo, now I'll decide who goes back in veg.


Well-Known Member
Gettin sexy with 6 plants about that same s ize right now. Should know within a week who is what. Then 6 more should be abouy ready to go in the dark. Hoping for at least 5 females to veg out for awhile.