Deadline apart of the law?

...but IF the lawsuit is allowed,
for better [or worse] there is some "flexibility". about this 25mile rule? Ya think there is flex when it comes to that?
The groups argue that a separate lawsuit involving the White Mountain Health Center medical-marijuana dispensary had a “chilling effect” on other potential dispensary owners.

what? you profiteers need more time? you've had a year you crybabies... chilling effect??!! you're in the weed business now... sack up! still illegal federally and you are 'sposed to know this man.... captains of industry i think not.
I don't know if that suit will affect me or don't....again
IF this challenge is allowed,that means the law is flexible. They set the precedent....Give and take...
allow another year for dispensaries to open. BUT they must allow ALL patients grow rights, regardless of dispensary location. That's fair...don't ya think?
I don't know if that suit will affect me or don't....again
IF this challenge is allowed,that means the law is flexible. They set the precedent....Give and take...
allow another year for dispensaries to open. BUT they must allow ALL patients grow rights, regardless of dispensary location. That's fair...don't ya think?

Give and takeis fair. All patients grow rights is fair.....however nobody that I know of has gone to court to get the law challenged, changed or extended. The local Govt. isn't going to do anything to change the 25 mile rule until its contested in court.
Simple Solution. Another ballot initiative to decriminalize amounts of less than two oz or 4 plants. I'll vote for any law which is less restrictive than the current.

It's just a matter of time before something like this passes. We just need to throw up a ballot intitative every election and sometime in the next 20 years it will pass.