Deal or Die?

Major Blazer

Well-Known Member
I'm running a 2 plant RDWC grow in a 2x4 tent w/ an 8 bulb t5. Flipping and installing scrog net this week. Had some struggles along the way but I'm super happy with their health and appearance so all is well.

At the start of the grow however, one clone took to her new home in the bucket almost immediately while the other lagged about a week behind. Plant to the left is the lagger, we'll call them lefty and righty respectively. Both clones had super healthy root systems at time of transplant.

After the first week, righty had some lovely tap roots sitting in the water while lefty's were just starting to emerge from the net pot. Some gentle digging in the hydroton revealed to me that lefty's roots had begun growing all kinds of strange - upwards actually. Eventually she figured it out and the race was on.

Well as we all know, once the roots bathe in DWC buckets, things move quickly. That said, lefty has always been about 1wk to 10 days behind on development.

When things like this happen to you guys, what do you guys do? Have you been able to effectively slow the growth of one plant or rather, speed up the other? I've been foliar feeding lefty a nutrient solution while foliar feeding only RO to righty in hopes of liberation but measuring success is near impossible with no baseline. The benefits of foliar feeding are well documented so I'm sure its helping to some degree.

But what other techniques have you all implemented at times like this? Or is it deal or die time and deal with lesser yield on one. Truthfully I may be overly concerned with net uniformity (I am a tad on the OCD side), but yield should be greater on the bigger plant so there's that too lol.


Well-Known Member
Good question, i run into the same thing with my ebb & flow buckets. It seems like i always have one or two runts
out of the 8 that i start with. A friend of mine that has been doing several different types of hydro for some time now
said that he starts a few extra. So my plan is to run 12 buckets to start, and keep the best 8 next run.

But I'd like to hear some other opinions on this.