Dealer problems


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this isn't allowed. I wasn't sure.

I recently picked up around 25G. Well thats what I paid for. He told me he had to eyeball it this time so just let him know how much is missing and he'll give me that. So I get home, find out 3.5G is gone from it. No biggy, I shoot him a text and he says he can get it for me the next day. This has happened before let me just say (with under 1G though) and everytime hes gotten me whats missing.

Says he couldn't get it that night. So for the past 4 days, every night is a new excuse. I'm getting fucking sick of waiting around at home all evening everynight to get another excuse. I don't want to mess anything up with him, but I do want my dam weed. What would you guys do in my case? I feel like an ass always asking him now.
I can personally eyeball an 1/8 and be within .01 and .25
But I never buy eigths, it's always a 1/4 or bigger.
Whenever I buy, I always bring my handy pocket scale with me.

Some dealers have thought it as non-trusting to weigh the bag in which
I'm buying. But I don't give a fuck what they think.
If I'm buying from someone that I hardly know, I always say "I'll have to weigh before I pay".


Well-Known Member
I can personally eyeball an 1/8 and be within .01 and .25
But I never buy eigths, it's always a 1/4 or bigger.
Whenever I buy, I always bring my handy pocket scale with me.

Some dealers have thought it as non-trusting to weigh the bag in which
I'm buying. But I don't give a fuck what they think.
If I'm buying from someone that I hardly know, I always say "I'll have to weigh before I pay".
Good for you. A scale is not a budget buster. A 4 oz. #6 postal scale fits in a pocket and costs less than $10.

A snappy retort to a dealer objecting to a scale would be, "I would think a good businessman would appreciate a customer who wants to see what he's paying for."

I've known two kinds of dealers in my life. The professional dealer who does it for a living and the amateur dealer who does it for smoke. Every time I have been shafted was by an amateur dealer. The professional knows the value of a steady paying customer.

I should not complain because if it were not for those shitbox amateurs, I would probably not have been prompted to learn how to grow.


Well-Known Member
This is EXACTLY why I have started growing.

Shorting him the equivalent of 3.5 next time you pickup a sack sounds like a good way to square away. In the future, I would bring a scale and if he gives you shit about it, just tell him you don't want to go through this again.


Well-Known Member
Bring a scale jump in a car for a min or too .. Or any other only takes a 2nd... Use my excuse listen im paying u ur asking price and im grabbin some of this for somebody else.. So i cant be diggin in my pocket to cut a loss... So it has to be strait in weight.. Iv noticed its always under when ur buying reg bud or mids .. Always weighed with the bag.. .. But if ur buying good quality bud iv never had a issue of it being under i always got oz weighing 30-33 grams with the bag.. So it was a few grams over .. If they cant be strait up with giving u what u pay for.. Id deff stay clear of buying in bulk


Well-Known Member
You've been texting him every night over 3.5g?

Here are your options: (1) Find another dealer, or (2) just suck it up.


Well-Known Member
dont feel bad i grabbed a half oz .. got it home on the digi an it was 11.7gs nice half ounce right lol ... i cant really bitch cuz it was only 50 dollars.. but atleast be honest cuz thats the most id ever purchase of that guy... or wrap it up double in sandwich bags .. 1 gram per bag lmaoo


Well-Known Member
either wait for the eighth, or get your money back. Get yourself a scale, You can get some decent digis off of ebay for like 10 bucks. I weigh all my shit, cant trust alot of people around here. shady fucks! You get shot up here for jackin someone.


Well-Known Member
When I buy I ALWAYS have my didgy with me. If its short you have bartering power. I was under the impression that an oz. should be 28g w/o the bag. That would mean 3g short? But thats just my $0.02. Re-read thread, you asked for 25g and got 21.5g. What does anyone weigh their stuff out at? Without a baggie?
I weigh my oz to 28g without bag. id never sell 25 grams thats an odd amount of weed.


Well-Known Member
I HAVE a scale, but it would take way to long to weigh it out when we meet. Like I wouldn't have a problem with it, but I know he'd say something about it being an inconvenience it would be. He's like 16/17...deffinatly not a REAL dealer but finding one in a small town is getting annoying! I've been trying but all I can find is teenagers that only sell to their friends and deny selling at all. Frustrating actually!


Well-Known Member
Depends. The best shit he's had actually had a name...Lemon Hash Plant. I bought an ounce for around 210 I think. Sometimes cheaper and sometimes a bit more.


Well-Known Member
i went back and grabbed another half oz tonight... told the guy said yo it was a little leight he said really soory i was in a rush and just eyed it... he gave me a half oz weighed 20gs for 60 bucks... i didnt approach him like a dick tho either... as far as the 16 yr old or 17 yr old u grab ur medicine from... if he wont let u weight it or gives u a hassle its because its deff under ...