So i don't have crohn's that bad but I do have it kinda bad and it has led to depression so now i have to take pills for crohns and depression the depression pills gave me insomnia so i also have to take sleeping pills so my doctor is trying to pretty much drug me but i have be smoking marijuana since i was about 10 i am now 20 and now my doctor wants me to quit marijuana and take more pills just cause she is against it i strongly believe that marijuana is the reason my symptoms have not been to sever all my life. I read this post and it related to me a lot and everyone who commented on it wants to help as much as possible i live in Redmond Oregon and have never really known where i could go to get the help i need so if any one knows any places please let me know it would help so much
Looks like you are riding on the same slippery Belle has been riding for the last decade.
I was a drug dealer for over 20 years and I am the first person to say that a large percentage of
doctors are true pieces of shit. Our nation is strung the fuck out.
My doctors will not help me with my back, all they will do is prescribe Vicodin.
The doctor that can fix my back wants cash, but the cock sucking pill pushers will see me anytime.
I've been to the doctors twice in the last month. They told me to keep taking the Vicodin like I have
been since 2011.

!! They gave me my first script then, I never filled it or any of the scripts they gave me.
Thank God I still have it as proof I've never filled them. I told the doctor that and he got very annoyed with me.
He said why in the world would I not fill the prescription. I explained that at this point I have proven I was 100%
right in not taking them. I got the script in 2011, they have done jack-shit to fix my back - how many Vicoden would
I have to take before the doctors let the smart one look at my back? Then this drug pushing fuck immediately wants
to change the subject to say that muscle relaxers are not addictive and can't be abused.
Ya. Sure. Pussy, money, cocaine, and booze either right?
I think I will finally be allowed to see a physical therapist to see what I can do to better my situation with the spinal stenosis and back pain.
Cory and trevor told me about Diamond Dallas Page Yoga last week.
That was one of my heros growing up. Him and Jake the Snake. Now they are old and all fucked up. lmao.
Those are two crazy fuckers that I know are older than me, beat the shit out of their bodies worse than I did,
drank more booze, and did more drugs than I have. (for the record I haven't been able to watch wrestling in 20 years, I don't want anything
thinking I can watch that shit as an adult. roflmao) I am extremely confident that his Yoga program will help me tremendously.
I told Belle last night her thread was bumped and read this to her. I believe she is going to respond to this.
The last 2 years we have fought like crazy over the issue with her meds. (More like 5, but the last 2 much worse).
I think she is taking something like a quarter of the pain meds she used to take. She is doing better right now than she
has in a good 8 years. These doctors had her strung completely out. The pill pushers IMO are some of the evilest mother fuckers
walking around.
That's enough of my rant. sorry. fuck pills - unless it's absolutely necessary.
Congratulations Belle on fighting to get control back of your life.
Keep up the good work.
I love you.