Dear Mz Jill -- Mrs Subcool


My heart can not express how much joy your threads over the years have brought to my home. I was in love with being around all the sunshine you brought to the old site. We have never spoke before and you wouldn't know me because I keep pretty quiet. The weeks and months after you guys left were heartbreaking and full of emptyness. I felt like a child who's parents were going through a real ugly divorce.
Honestly little lady there are people all over the world who have been educated and moved by your words. You have a dynamite personality that shines through all the evil that flows in this life. Watching you two grow into celebs has been a pleasure and a load of fun. I've grown JTR, Jillybean, Agent Orange and they are all diamonds in my world. I know you were hurt by the things people said and I can't blame you for leaving the on-line world. I just wanted to let you know there are people out here who love you. Thank You for all the help in becoming a great grower of fine genetics. I couldn't have done it without both of you! I was so in love with watching you two grow together through threads and pictures.
Subcool when you have a moment I would like you to embrace that beautiful woman and kiss her like you did on the beach. Those pics of your wedding days were so moving to me I felt as though two of my favorite people had come together as one and my heart was full of joy.
Thanks for everything both of you!!!
Peace and Happiness,


Well-Known Member
he is talking to subs wifey. did you say you wanna kiss her like he does? LOL


Well-Known Member
oh and what happened to make them leave the online world? i thought i just seen a post by one of them.


Well-Known Member
ohhh now i get it lol sorry grammatical inflection is hard to pick up over the internet but yah no offense it just has little creeper feel to it you know


ohhh now i get it lol sorry grammatical inflection is hard to pick up over the internet but yah no offense it just has little creeper feel to it you know

Ok, I'm not sure what you mean by "creeper feel" unless your talking about cannabis that slowly takes effect on the body and the brain. That's the only creeper I know!
I just wanted Jilly to know that she is missed by her fans and we love her. Smartassy mean people took there toll on her and we felt a big loss in the Canna Community.


Well-Known Member
no no no im not being mean meant no offence by it but the way your sounding when you go about it sounds lustful


Well-Known Member
I didn't take any offence to it nor did Jilly when I read it to her this am she was trully touched.
I dig where ya coming from and trust me its nice to know people noticed she made a diff when she was online.



I didn't take any offence to it nor did Jilly when I read it to her this am she was trully touched.
I dig where ya coming from and trust me its nice to know people noticed she made a diff when she was online.


Thanks for the reply Sub. You guys took it just the way I ment it.
If I wanted to be a perv then I'd write something like WOW! Jilly that Green mini skirt outfit with the tall green boots looks totally yummy on you! :clap:
Sure miss those holiday threads Jilly. What a gal.

Subcool, the video on your channel of you taking a bong hit with the 10year old wav file playing had me in tears with laughter!! Listening to you keep going in the wav file after you finished your hit in real time was too darn funny. OMG!
Take Care you two!


Well-Known Member
lol sorry i was way too miffed earlier i had been under the lights for awhile and smoked some hash lol


Active Member
My heart can not express how much joy your threads over the years have brought to my home. I was in love with being around all the sunshine you brought to the old site. We have never spoke before and you wouldn't know me because I keep pretty quiet. The weeks and months after you guys left were heartbreaking and full of emptyness. I felt like a child who's parents were going through a real ugly divorce.
Honestly little lady there are people all over the world who have been educated and moved by your words. You have a dynamite personality that shines through all the evil that flows in this life. Watching you two grow into celebs has been a pleasure and a load of fun. I've grown JTR, Jillybean, Agent Orange and they are all diamonds in my world. I know you were hurt by the things people said and I can't blame you for leaving the on-line world. I just wanted to let you know there are people out here who love you. Thank You for all the help in becoming a great grower of fine genetics. I couldn't have done it without both of you! I was so in love with watching you two grow together through threads and pictures.
Subcool when you have a moment I would like you to embrace that beautiful woman and kiss her like you did on the beach. Those pics of your wedding days were so moving to me I felt as though two of my favorite people had come together as one and my heart was full of joy.
Thanks for everything both of you!!!
Peace and Happiness,
what he/she said! you rock, girl...