DEAR Prop 19 Haters


Active Member
heres EXACTLY one of the many reasons why pot should be regulated to protect patients AND our peers who choose for recreational use.

dispensaries are "helping" patients by "blackmarket prices"

now i know this doesnt apply to ALL dispensaries, BUT stuff like this SHOULD NOT happen regaurdless.

if anyone needs a lesson learned its these places who try to run fake business's. under the cover of patient compassion.


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Well lower prices aren't guaranteed, it may dip a little but I don't think it will drop like a rock. And sellers are not for the Prop 19 so you can bet the drug dealers and gang members if they aren't too lazy will get out there and vote. I live in Wa state and I am also medical and provider for one person. I would rather it not be legal, keep shit the way it is right now. It is so easy to get a medical card and grow your own. I would rather pay a grower my money rather than give it to the government in tax so they can fuck it away building a bridge to nowhere or loose 10 billion dollars rebuilding Iraq.


Active Member
ive never heard of a drug dealer educated enough to care about 'the system'

and taxing pot in CA will not lead to federal funding, its a state tax remember. its still federally illegal so the 'big' govt cant use it for stupid wars.

also if you dont like that your state tax funds go to building bridges then use your civil rights and VOTE for a political figure who shares YOUR views. people are forgetting that no matter what laws/regs/ etc etc get put into place it was done because your votes wanted "political person" to represent YOU.

people forget that we the people choose who we want to represent us. if something goes that the masses dissaprove of then we as a whole must stand against what ever it is. unfortunetly human nature keeps us in check. many are not educated enough and are able to easily be influenced. others put information out in a quid pro quo to gain their support.

example: the war in iraq, bush stated many times through out the course of the war their was no weapons of mass destruction, but because of the terrorist attacks he used the peoples emotions to gain enough reason and support to invade a country that has NO WMDs. did iraq have small bands of groups with bad intentions, yes. we have that now in america, people who hate gays, gangs, those polygamist groups. and many of the times those "bad" people we killed were just locals who just didnt want us in their country. You wouldnt want people running up in your territory trying to tell you how to live right?

example 2: the whole city of bell corruption scandal. the city councel was extorting tons and tons of money from local citizens, well they DIDNT like it and they stood up for it and now look whos laughing. WE AS A NATION should use them as motivation to stand up against corruption.


I would rather it not be legal, keep shit the way it is right now. It is so easy to get a medical card and grow your own.
You would really want to "keep shit the way it is right now" knowing that if cops came to your house and you didn't have a "medical card" and you had plants growing you would be charged with a felony and if you had guns in the house, yep...another felony. But under prop 19 as long as you grew within the given 25 sq/ft there wouldn't be an issue...or "the way it is right now" in that seeds, stems, baggies with residue, resin, roaches, bongs, pipes, etc would be probable cause for a search but under prop 19, those items mentioned would NOT be grounds for a search? I am a medical user but if one of the only down sides is taxes, I will gladly pay the taxes if it means I have no real risk of going to jail.

Cannabis users who are not going to vote for prop 19 are voting to make/keep the people who are recreational users criminal...that infuriates me.


Active Member
yea bad for growers like you who are making a very nice profit on patients who you charge blackmarket prices for them to 'heal' themselves.

you sir are NOT compassionate towards the users of pot, be it medically or recreational.

you would rather have people go to jail over the stuff your growing rather than be reasonable and take a slight hit in your profit margins just to protect YOUR investments. you sir are a crook.