Dear Trump fans,


Well-Known Member
You are in denial. Trump lost in a fair election. There is no evidence of fraud other than the fraud being investigated by the 1/6 committee and the state AG's investigating the fake electoral certificates.. Trump's own appointees to the courts have rejected claims of fraud because no evidence was presented. 60 lost cases. It isn't because the "courts wouldn't look at it." They looked at it 60 times. Filings errors can be corrected. Nobody commits a court error then repeats the same error 59 more times.
Are you sure?

Illegals are voting
The Clintons lead a cannibalistic pedophile ring
Obama is a muslim and was born in Kenya

mike lindell has proof the election was stolen.

I also read some stuff on facebook about tens of thousands of ballots being tossed into landfills. That pretty much backs up the claims of voter fraud and suppression.
Found under rocks and thrown into the river. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows it. Look at the crowds, right. You look at what's going on and you look at what's going on in Wisconsin. We have evidence. Yeah, standing. Like the president of the yoonited shtatesh doesn't have standing. Fellas, I need 11,000 votes, give me a break. They had things, levels of voting, that if you ever agreed to it, you'd never have a Republican elected in this country again.
Biden campaigned from his basement, and Trump got more votes than anyone.. ever.... Except his smarter opponent

Trump said as much in a recent interview with NPR.

They just rigged an election. We got — we got a number of votes that, I think you'll agree — no sitting president has ever gotten the number of votes that I got. No sitting president has ever gotten --

Let me ask you this question. How come Biden couldn't attract 20 people for a crowd? How come when he went to speak in different locations, nobody came to watch, but all of a sudden he got 80 million votes? Nobody believes that, Steve. Nobody believes that.

jeanius. Pure jeanius.

Trump said as much in a recent interview with NPR.

They just rigged an election. We got — we got a number of votes that, I think you'll agree — no sitting president has ever gotten the number of votes that I got. No sitting president has ever gotten --

Let me ask you this question. How come Biden couldn't attract 20 people for a crowd? How come when he went to speak in different locations, nobody came to watch, but all of a sudden he got 80 million votes? Nobody believes that, Steve. Nobody believes that.

jeanius. Pure jeanius.

I MUST have won- my ratings were yuge!
I'm not a hardcore Trump supporter like a lot of his followers but I would definitely take him over Biden.

I agree all of these people claiming widespread fraud are delusional and need to move on. I think there is probably some fraud in every election but not enough to affect the outcome. I don't think Biden got so many votes because that many people like him, I just think theres that many people that hate Trump.

A common arguement is well there's states that are working to de-certify the electoral votes. When I try to explain thats not how this works and that doesnt have any legal significance they just don't get it.
The only illegal fraud going on was with the magats.
The Villages in FL is a magat haven and visited frequently by right wing nutjobs.
4 of the residents were arrested for voter twice.
2 of the residents were county commissioners.........they were arrested for perjury.
The repubs can't win without cheating.