Death by a thousand cuts - Thomas Jefferson kicks Muslim asses

I know you are referring to the core teachings of Christianity and the comparison with Islam and no doubt it's valid, I also acknowledge that if I had been born Muslim I may not have been given the freedom to renounce the religion I was born into but I just can't reconcile the Christian message with the facts as I know them, those charged with spreading the good word did some pretty awful things while claiming to represent Jesus and still do.
These same people have the audacity to tell people how they should have sex, the church says masturbation and some foreplay is intrinsically evil. Why would any organisation especially one claiming to be so loving project that kind of crap onto impressionable young minds telling them they will burn in hell for having a fiddle with themselves in the bathroom, it's all about the guilt they want everyone to carry around for the duration of their lives that will keep them going back for forgiveness time and time again.
Aids/HIV is still rampant in Africa yet the church says it is evil to use condoms because in it's eyes sick little congregants are better than no congregants at all, that is inherently and morally wrong.
It also preaches to women about abortion and birth control but refuses to allow women play a more dominant role within the church, all they are to the church is a womb that can cook and clean. I'm fairly confident that if women were allowed to be priests clerical abuse would not have been so endemic, I agree with your opinion also on priests being allowed to marry, the marriage issue and women priests is all about money and property though and nothing to do with God because hypothetically if a priest left a young widow and family behind the church would have to provide for them. It's just a huge boys club designed and being redesigned to extract as much money from people as possible, such a brilliant business model that any large corp would be proud of- Keep them in fear and they'll keep paying for our "product".
Personally I don't need the validation of religion nor do I intend to live what years I have left worrying about my soul when I die and so far in my 38 years I have managed to hold firm on the morals I was raised without any help from the church.
Well the Catholic Church is a medieval institution.

Protestant denominations came around the time of enlightenment and evolve more quickly.

Sadly, keeping women out of the priesthood is biblical. Women are required to not speak nor ask questions at church and seek clarification from their husbands at home. It also says women shouldn't preach to men. This implicitly allows women to chair women only groups.

No christian group I'm aware of likes to flaunt this today. They either silently adhere to it, or explain it away and have cast it aside.

But biblical instructions are quite clear, any church allowing female priests or ministers are openly defying the bible and have no solid ground to stand on defending the accusations of cafeteria christianity.

Not allowing women to wear a priests robes is no where near as bad as forcing them to live in a black fabric bag their whole life. Or cutting off their labia.

As repressive as that sounds, it's light years ahead of islam.
My guess is the kid in the background is mentally challenged.
The baby in front would pass for Caucasian although he/she does have a black persons nose.
I think I read somewhere albinos are persecuted and even ritually killed in some parts of Africa
I don't think the nose is anywhere near fully developed at birth.

That's a white baby, large skull It's not thin enough to be black.
True* black Chinese albino

They made it it out the back to Turkey thanks to CIA drone strikes.

Live up there? I see footage and footage does not lie if taken in context of people's faces.

All made up? Get a clue, if not a TV?
Yazidi Iraqis on Mount Sinjar carry the limp bodies of children as they flee
Wow, if a picture of 14 people on some rocks doesn't prove that there were 40,000 refugees on top of a mountain, I don't know what would.

Here is a picture of 20,000 people stranded on a mountain.

Well the Catholic Church is a medieval institution.

Protestant denominations came around the time of enlightenment and evolve more quickly.

Sadly, keeping women out of the priesthood is biblical. Women are required to not speak nor ask questions at church and seek clarification from their husbands at home. It also says women shouldn't preach to men. This implicitly allows women to chair women only groups.

No christian group I'm aware of likes to flaunt this today. They either silently adhere to it, or explain it away and have cast it aside.

But biblical instructions are quite clear, any church allowing female priests or ministers are openly defying the bible and have no solid ground to stand on defending the accusations of cafeteria christianity.

Not allowing women to wear a priests robes is no where near as bad as forcing them to live in a black fabric bag their whole life. Or cutting off their labia.

As repressive as that sounds, it's light years ahead of islam.

Buddhism is a worm hole ahead of Christianity.
Society's laws are scripted directly from their religious tenets. In the English speaking societies it's usually Christian, the 10 Commandments comes to mine. You know like "that shall not kill".

With Islam, there is no law other than Shariah, jihad. It's all about violence, brutality for those raghead scumbags.

Crazy person who is also a christian says something crazy.

How many people has she or her followers actually harmed?

Also, being a witch doctor and being a christian are mutually exclusive. That's more akin to voodoo.

Still, she has harmed no one.

Meanwhile British muslim medical students bombed some buses a couple of years back.
Harmed no one? There are children having acid poured into their eyes, nails driven into their heads, left tied up with barbed wire for days. Because Christian preachers like herself proclaim them to be witches.

Voodoo you say¿ I wonder how the voodoo shamans did theirm agic to get "thou shall not suffer a witch to live" into bible texts?

Many many more children have been affected than people injured in 7/7 tube bombing
Society's laws are scripted directly from their religious tenets. In the English speaking societies it's usually Christian, the 10 Commandments comes to mine. You know like "that shall not kill".

With Islam, there is no law other than Shariah, jihad. It's all about violence, brutality for those raghead scumbags.


The only thing stopping religion from dragging us back to the dark ages is societies/government will/ability to stand against it.

Christianity was dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world not other way round

The only thing stopping religion from dragging us back to the dark ages is societies/government will/ability to stand against it.

Christianity was dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world not other way round

Godverment that is based in coercion is a vestigial element of the dark ages. The dark ages haven't left yet either....

Also society and government are not the same thing. When society can rid itself of coercion(the dark ages), government by present definition will have to go away.

The only thing stopping religion from dragging us back to the dark ages is societies/government will/ability to stand against it.

Christianity was dragged kicking and screaming into the modern world not other way round

Your prejudices are immaterial to my point about moral and criminal law/code. For the record, I am an agnostic but realize every society needs structure, laws to govern by and a strong moral code. Religions were founded on the human need for answering questions, establishing behavioral boundaries and limits amongst the population. All American criminal law was founded upon Christian credo.

IOW, "what man's mind conceives his character much control."
Think your lost mate the one trick pony show is -------------------------------------> that way

The irony is lost upon you Pony whisperer. The one trick that your beloved godverment and old timey religions SHARE is the use of force or the threat of it.

So, while you harsh on religions and enthusiastically hump the leg of coercive government you don't recognize the similarity in the things you are attempting to see as different. Both have elaborate systems to pit people against each other and to assign some people roles of control over others. They also both champion made up shit and think if enough people can be made to believe in something false it magically becomes true.

You pray to coercive systems (godverment) and so do religious zealots. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.