death metal!


Well-Known Member
When i blaze it is strictly Arch Enemy, Amon Amarth and Lamb of God if I'm listening to metal. O also i LOVE to listen to dethkolk when I'm high, it cracks me up!

Nexus Polaris

Well-Known Member
I play guitar for a black metal band and I am trying to find guys to start a death project. As far as death metal goes, Decapitatded is the unltimate death metal band IMHO of all time. My rythm guitar player owns Black Flame records you guys can check him out on myspace and the band I play with are the surving members of Blood Stained Dusk go check them out on myspace if you like black metal.


Active Member
I play guitar for a black metal band and I am trying to find guys to start a death project. As far as death metal goes, Decapitated is the ultimate death metal band IMHO of all time. My rhythm guitar player owns Black Flame records you guys can check him out on myspace and the band I play with are the surviving members of Blood Stained Dusk go check them out on myspace if you like black metal.
Decapitated is a fuckin awesome band. thats mad cool you play in a black metal band. what black metal bands to you listen to pm me your answer?


Active Member
Didn't the drummer from Decapitated die last year?
I listen to lots of genres of music but I'll always love death metal and bands with Death Metal Influences. Oh and I disagree with Black Dahlia Murder being Deathcore, more of a Melodic Death Metal, they do have about 1 typical breakdown that I can think of(paint it black cover) other than that their pretty breakdown free

Check out Cephalic Carnage their bangin' and all stoners

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
Didn't the drummer from Decapitated die last year?
I listen to lots of genres of music but I'll always love death metal and bands with Death Metal Influences. Oh and I disagree with Black Dahlia Murder being Deathcore, more of a Melodic Death Metal, they do have about 1 typical breakdown that I can think of(paint it black cover) other than that their pretty breakdown free

Check out Cephalic Carnage their bangin' and all stoners
I would expect Vogg (Vitek's brother) from Decapitated to just join another band.

Black Dahlia murder aren't really deathcore but they are meh. I saw them live once and it was okay, I don't really like their music but it was fun to knock some kids around to. The one kid that was hardcore dancing to them got picked up by this like 250 lb guy and thrown into the pit, which was badass.

Cephalic Carnage rule, especially Lucid Interval and Anomalies. Xenosapien is meh and Conforming to Abnormality is just weird as fuck.

I recommend anyone to check out the new Severed Savior and Deeds of Flesh (they both just leaked a couple days ago). The new Deeds has one of my favorite bassists, Erlend Casperson.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I had no idea metal had been subcatagorized into so many genres. Death Metal, Metalcore, Deathcore, Darkmetal...

I'm a bit old school, I enjoy good skills, and am not into all the throat screaming, good music to listen to.

I like Slayer, Flotsam and Jetsam, Devin Townsend, Type O Negative... Threat Signal... More that I can't think of... What subcatagory are these bands?

I also like NIN, Tool, Dream Theater, and other shit that ain't metal.

Any suggestions on what I might like?

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
I like Slayer, Flotsam and Jetsam, Devin Townsend, Type O Negative... Threat Signal... More that I can't think of... What subcatagory are these bands?

I also like NIN, Tool, Dream Theater, and other shit that ain't metal.

Any suggestions on what I might like?
Slayer are thrash. Devin Townsend (are you talking about the Devin Townsend band or Strapping Young Lad? The Devin Townsend band is like prog metal mixed with all sorts of shit...SYL is like death metal without death metal vocals.)

Flotsam and Jetsam I would call thrash metal and Type O Negative is just...metal.

I'd call NIN, Tool, and Dream Theater metal. The first 2 are Alternative metal and Dream Theater is Prog metal.

As far as suggestions you should check out

Gordian Knot (progressive...something)
Cynic (CLASSIC Death Metal without a lot of harsh vocals, tons of jazz influence)
Dark Angel (classic thrash that is seriously fuckin metal, reminds me a lot of Slayer)
Neurosis (Alternative rock/metal...similar to Tool.)
Revocation (death/thrash metal...the vocals are kinda shitty but the music fuckin rules. If you don't like the vocals at least check out 6:12)

other bands that I don't feel like linking too that are pretty much all thrash similar to Slayer:
Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, Testament, Sepultura, Exodus...those are just the big names. 80's thrash totally rules.

and smokeordie, if you don't like Slayer you don't like metal. At all.


Active Member
sepultura isn't like slayer anymore,now they just suck like Roots and Blood Rooted fucking sucked. definitely their worst albums. and yes slayer is the best thrash band ever. not like those new thrash bands that imitate old school thrash with way too much punk in it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't like Sepultura, never really did... I agree about the new metal with all the whining, I got that Threat Signal disc, and a couple tracks have little bitch whining like Linkin Park.

I remember when Danzig came out... And when Slayer was a young band from LA.

Music nowadays isn't the same, it's all remixed and remastered... Digitized and shit.


Well-Known Member
^That's very true, it's way more common with deathcore/metalcore bands though.

New Cattle Decap dropping January 20th! Fuck yeah!


Active Member
Lord Bluntmasta thank you for posting those links for those bands, I like the Cynic and Gordian Knot songs alot and Neurosis is sweet too, Post some more bands when you guys get the chance< I love checking out new shit, To Nile666, just checked out the Agalloch song and its pretty good

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
Lord Bluntmasta thank you for posting those links for those bands, I like the Cynic and Gordian Knot songs alot and Neurosis is sweet too, Post some more bands when you guys get the chance< I love checking out new shit, To Nile666, just checked out the Agalloch song and its pretty good
sounds like you like progressive/tech death and black metal...

YouTube - Atheist - Mother Man (classic technical DM)
YouTube - Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns ("NSBM"....yeah nazi socialist black metal. I don't agree with their views but they rule musically)
YouTube - Death - Flattening of Emotions (This is really obvious but they're the best band that ever existed. And the drummer and second guitarist on this track are the same guys on that Cynic song)
YouTube - Old Man's Child - Enslaved And Condemned (badass black metal from the guitarist of Dimmu Borgir)