Death sentence more or what?

no clue

Well-Known Member
Earlier this week my Urologist told me I had prostate cancer and it is past the gland and into the lymph system for sure. A glimmer in my ribcage could mean the cancer has spread to my bones. Hormone therapy has begun and radiation therapy to start this week. He said they will not remove the prostate now. I am 52. Rick Simpson Oil too you folks think? And how much weed do I have to grow to keep an effective dose going? This is no joke for me so any constructive help is appreciated
My deepest condolences to you. It is so unfortunate that this disease has intruded on your loving life. I would honestly consider maybe running about 10 plants. That would at the very least give you about 20 ounces of flower which would yield a great amount of oil.

Please dont do any radiation... Love you brother. <3
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My deepest condolences to you. It is so unfortunate that this disease has intruded on your loving life. I would honestly consider maybe running about 10 plants. That would at the very least give you about 20 ounces of flower which would yield a great amount of oil.

Please dont do any radiation... Love you brother. <3
Why no radiation man? This is new to me
And I do have a tent with 10 plants flowering now. I am hoping that will make some RSO. If we can slow the spread of the cancer..this is my only chance
My deepest condolences to you. It is so unfortunate that this disease has intruded on your loving life. I would honestly consider maybe running about 10 plants. That would at the very least give you about 20 ounces of flower which would yield a great amount of oil.

Please dont do any radiation... Love you brother. <3
Bad advice!!! Are you a dr?
You will need 36oz to make 2oz of oil all the info is on the net when I get home I will pm you with mow info on this if you want this is not the end it's just a new statr for you.
Hubby was diagnosed with PC back in 2010. It was a very aggressive form. He opted for surgery to have his prostate removed, but it had already spread into his bladder. His psa dropped to .01 after surgery, but slowly increased to 1.0 over the next year. He went thru radiation, but used the oil also during that time. His psa has remained at .01 ever since. There is still hope. I hope you live in a state where you can get the oil legally. If not, get it anyway. I know it helps. I'm glad you can grow it yourself, but you need to start taking it now. I hope someone on riu can help you get some right away. Sending you love and good vibes.
im so sorry youre going through this, i would seek out a natro path doctor as well , they work if youre current doctor and your meds , its been completely proven that a change in diet will significantly help people with cancer
marijuana does wonders, but it really helps if you make your body completely full of the right nutrients and eat food that can actually help ,
let me know if you wanna talk more about doing a new diet, to help you , or seek out a natro path doctor as well
Gosh thanks people. Please tell me more about diet change and anything else. I am in Wisconsin so not legal medicine yet:peace:
Cancer cannot spread in an akaline state. You grow plants, you know about PH. I suggest you do your own HW on what foods would help you go from a acidic state to akaline.

For starters I wouldn't eat anything dead (meat) as its doing your body no good right now.
No Clue - Like you, I am a prostate cancer sufferer.

You need the help of a good oncologist (in addition to your urologist). You might also check out Healing Well (all one word) dot com. They have an excellent forum devoted to Prostate Cancer. You will find many people there all dealing with prostate cancer to one degree or another. You will also find a great deal of information concerning the latest treatments available.

And Prostate Cancer may not be the "death sentence" it once was. I know one person in my Prostate Cancer Support Group (UsToo dot com) that has been battling prostate cancer for over 20 years. The important thing to remember is that you alone are your best advocate. Doctors can suggest what they think is going on or what treatments might work better than others, etc., but it's up to you alone on researching your options, deciding what treatments to accept, what drugs to put into your body, etc.

You are more than welcome to PM me if you would like to discuss anything privately.

Best of luck to you.
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Im not a Dr.

You should look into the Gerson diet. Its an alternative medicine that has cured people of cancer (fact based...). Though i believe its illegal for doctors to recommend in the US. Try Mexico or Canada. Literally though. Its just a bunch of veggies that you drink for awhile. It cleans the shit right out of your body. Super healthy.
As ULEN has said, cancer can't spread in an alkaline state. In fact (last i read) there are NO none human aliments that exist within in alkaline body (except alkaline poisoning). Of course changing the ph of the body is difficult since its all very very verrry strictly regulated by kidneys and lungs.
All the crap we all majoritably eat through the days of our lives are mainly acidic. Overtime this will effect your body and make you more effected by illness and disease. Its all pretty interesting. I'd read more on it. Its pretty amazing the things you can cure...outside of america :P

Ps. Lemons are the most alkaline FORMING fruit. Meaning, its acidic to your teeth and mouth etc. but once digested and broken down, it becomes extremely alkaline. Watermelons are very alkaline too. I eat about 1 lemon a week. Cant say i don feel healthier :) great for heart burn too. Miracle fruit really.

Sir KK
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thank you all. I am No Clue's wife. I am clued-in on making dragon (take all the time for anxiety). I guess I have in essence made RSO before, I have made ISO hash, which from my reading not unsimilar to making the Rick Simpson. Is this true? I see some prefer to use naptha (can it be commercial grade? What percentage?) or is something else better? (I saw ether, but there is no way for me to get that). I can make bubble or anything I need to, but I think we need some expert advice. I am willing to go into this full-throttle. He needs to start more seeds Tuesday, because harvest is in four weeks. Hey, and I need to know if I need dried, baked or fresh bud, can I use leaf? Whole plant? The most bang for the buck i what I need to understand. I know that there are awesome folks here to help me/us. Please, any input would only be helpful. Feel free to pm m.
The Bob Beck Protocol started out as an electromedicine treatment for AIDS / HIV, however, it has turned out to be an excellent cancer treatment because of the way it builds the immune system.

Two medical doctors, Dr. Kaali and Dr. Lyman, discovered, in 1990, that a small electric current could disable viruses from being able to infect cells and multiply, thus rendering them harmless. Other studies have shown the effectiveness of small amounts of electricity against bacteria and fungus. The combination of these studies proves their discovery was one of the greatest medical discoveries in the history of medicine because virtually all diseases are caused by, or enhanced by, a microbe (virus, bacteria, and fungus). This combined knowledge gives us the key of how to cure almost every disease known to mankind.

But unlike the discoveries of Dr. Royal Rife, the Dr. Kaali and Dr. Lyman discoveries have not been lost to science. In fact, details of their discovery are very, very well preserved and protected. However, even though the technology is very well documented, orthodox medicine is not interested in their discovery. Orthodox medicine is interested in "treatments," not "cures," because "treating" a person is far, far more profitable than "curing" them.

As Dr. Bob Beck used to say: "a patient cured is a customer lost." Thus orthodox doctors are not allowed to use the discovery (though more than a dozen patents have been issued which describe and use their discovery).

Dr. Beck, who held a PhD in physics and had 30 years of electromedicine research behind him, found out about the discovery and found a non-invasive way to use their discovery. His early research had to be done outside of the United States.