debate this...


Well-Known Member
pick a topic and give me your thoughts for or against it pick your side. i will argue the other side. you can pick whatever you want but all these politics threads seem to be on the same few headline issues something diffrent would be cool but pick what you will.


Well-Known Member
23 views and no bites?? i want to kill whales i think its good for the enviornment......pick something


Well-Known Member
Was NAFTA a good thing for the U.S.? I do not think it is working out because we outsourced the few jobs that were left.


Well-Known Member
NAFTA has been a huge success. it has created countless trucking jobs and expanded trade. thanks to NAFTA we can more easily export food to mexico and import wood from canada we are able to have closer relations with mexico and have stronger politcal influance with our neighbor. we have major mining opperations in mexico that florish because of nafta the mexican border towns have seen a huge population explosion thanks to NAFTA and all the factories that have been opened in the border region. mexico also has a huge port that china uses to import goods to the U.S. and without NAFTA we wouldnt have the 99 cent stores


Well-Known Member
NAFTA will help mexico to import drugs that they can sell and use the procceds to buy our weapons the U.S. weapons manufacturing and security companies thrive thanks to NAFTA


Well-Known Member
The mexican govt will buy our security tecnolegy and out tellecomunications we will use our banks to give them loans wich the people will repay through taxes and sales or their natural resources


Well-Known Member
How do i get the security and arms companies to locate near me so i can get a job and shop at the 99cent store? Should i sign up on welfare and shop at the 99cent store?


Well-Known Member
OMG your good, but how will we buy those goods with no income?
short term ...through the service care jobs caregivers for rich and elderly and through computer jobs through trades plumbers chefs ...long term...we will sell food to nations without food we will have desalinasation water treatment plants we will export coal and oil


Well-Known Member
I don't think we will be EXPORTING oil any time soon, or do you think this new work plan will save us about 75% of the current need for oil?


Well-Known Member
we are using NAFTA to help delay americas crash without NAFTA our steel industry would be ruined same with all major construction we depend on free trade for the prices we get on our goods.NAFTA has helped us to maintain our standard of living while also improving mexicos economic situation