Dec 21st 2012


RIU Bulldog
Apocalypse comes from a greek word meaning 'lifting of the veil' or 'revelation'.
I don't think the world will end, but I do think there will be a 'lifting of the veil'.


Well-Known Member
So the mayans long calandar ends on may 21 (i think), so what? Our calandar end every december 31 lol. Besides, the mayans said that the end of 2012 is the start of a new year of luck and what the hell are people freaking out about?

oh, and fuck nostradamus, :).
Yes this is very true! And also yeah fuck Nostradamus! Dude was a certified lunatic. If anyone made that many VAGUE predictions, a number would come true. This is not talent its just the sheer volume of predictions made. Also, people don't talk about how far more predictions were just flat out wrong. Not hasn't happend yet, just wrong. Thats because it's most of them.