

Greetings everyone, i have question about decarbing. Can i decarb raw marijuana before curing or will it be waste. I had an idea if it dries and decarbs at same time ill be okay with it but if cured marijuana is essential for decarbing than l will wait.
Greetings everyone, i have question about decarbing. Can i decarb raw marijuana before curing or will it be waste. I had an idea if it dries and decarbs at same time ill be okay with it but if cured marijuana is essential for decarbing than l will wait.
What are you using it for?
To accelerate decarboxylation requires heat and thats bad for flavor. Your lighter does a pretty good job of decarbing your THCA as you smoke the weed.
If you are not seeking flavour you can do so. I sometimes do it when I’m making cbd cream dont need to taste it clearly.
I can tell you what i know. I have decarbed fresh green flowers in the Ardent. After decarb i ate them

They are weird to eat. Like an IPA dandelion. But wow will that get you ripped hard. I love green buds and i just cant lie. And I still love the ardent except for its fragility. I had to buy a 2nd one because ogres are us dropped #1.
Yes thats what i am after, i want to make edible, to spice it on pizza or any food. Digestable thc, i see ita possible, will give it a try, thank you all
You can decarb fresh bud, but it might take a little longer than dried and cured.
For a second there I thought you might be asking if you could cure after decarbing, lol.
If you've got one I would use a toaster oven. The smaller space means it can maintain a more even temp.
Curing is just slow drying. Decarbing is heating the weed to the point where THCA is converted to THC. There are a bunch of people who mistakenly believe that curing converts it. It doesn't, but it does allow the chemical processes to continue so that precursor connabinoids are converted to THCA. A little bit of the THCA is converted to CBN.
A lot of people like to say the Ardent is not required. It is expensive. And it is flimsy as fuck but what it does do right is decarb weed. Scientifically and perfectly.

I can put 30 grams of fine buds into 4 to 6 oz of oil and it will rock your world. It is what i do all the time and i cook with it or just have it in hot water. 1 tsp will work but 1tbsp will really work.

The ardent is the perfect machine to decarb your weed. If you have a limited supply efficiency is everything. And I just like being efficient.

I eat a lot of decarbed buds...just as a bud and not infused.

Green works the best (fresh green buds). It tastes weird and you think what can this do and then 2 hours from that point you are GOONED!

I love it.
So you can decarb fresh from the plant? I wonder if this would be the way to go for powdery mildew in last weeks of flower?
not sure why you want to do that ? to eat it directly after without cooking ?
in marroco traditionnal drying occur under the sun, i guess i decarboxylate the resin ... because if you eat a ball of hash you will be hard stoned
A light solution if hydrogen peroxide and water, in a tub, throughly wash , followed by water rinse will remedy the pm.