Decent Lights?


I'm looking to spend about $50 bucks right now. I have 10 CFL's right now and i just don't feel that they are efficient enough and I feel like I could get more bang for my buck for something like a 4 bulb florescent. Yes/No or any ideas. I have menards, lowes, homedepot and batteries + bulbs all within 2 miles of me as well. I would prefer to just go to one of those places.


Well-Known Member
Those T8's are only 4100K lamps, you should have at least 6500K, better off look into 'T5's if you're looking for flourescent lighting, might be a little more expensive but well worth it, you won't regret it.


Well-Known Member
DeeTee is right, it will work but spend the extra few bucks for T5, its a better spectrum for plants and has bulbs for veg and flower.