Decepticons Outdoor Grow V3.0


Well-Known Member
sorry its been awhile. i think i solved the problem and fixed it, i think it was an overdose of calmag that caused it and i used epsom salt and it seemed to have some what fixed the problem, other than that everything is goin good


Well-Known Member
sorry everyone for vanishing... ive been super lazy/sickly so i forgot about gettin updates. but im in the middle of harvest still i got so far 1 and a half lbs from 1 plant alone and i still got a little bit left to go on that plant mostly lettin all the small popcorn type nugs rippen up alittle bit, i got all the seeds i will ever need for awhile as well so ive accomplished both goals i set out to do i still have 4 plants in the weeds to take down they will probably got til nov the blackberry has started to turn purple from the cold temp drop da purps and kings kush has not, how ever kings kush has a nice smell to it.. ah idk what else to report.... i got about another 5 oz scattered between 3 different strains that i harvested first.. but yeah so far so good