Deep gouge in my girl's stem


Well-Known Member
2013-07-11_06-04-28_440.jpg2013-07-11_06-05-09_577.jpgI am not sure if this is from an insect or from me having to move my plants in a rush but it has forced the plant into flower (note the red stem) and I wondered if there was anything I could do? She has been flowering slowly for 2 weeks at least. Sorry for the crap picture, I will try to get another tonight.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2734354View attachment 2734355I am not sure if this is from an insect or from me having to move my plants in a rush but it has forced the plant into flower (note the red stem) and I wondered if there was anything I could do? She has been flowering slowly for 2 weeks at least. Sorry for the crap picture, I will try to get another tonight.
What do you want to do, re veg? ? It looks like it's healing fine and big enough to flower.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
red purple stems in a indication of magnesium deficiency or cold weather or possibly genetics. the leaves look good so the stem color may be no problem. as far as the damage i can't tell from the pic if it's mechanical or insect. it may be some type of plant borer which is one pest you don't want. GL


Well-Known Member
2013-07-11_06-02-43_550.jpg2013-07-03_18-12-55_124.jpg These are some of my other girls, I have a thread in Outdoor forum. I asked the same question but nobody had replied yet and I was getting worried that if it was a bug it's getting a head start. They are all growing in the same medium.


Well-Known Member
2013-07-13_07-32-02_63 (1).jpg2013-07-13_07-32-42_969.jpgPic is not much better but it seems to be damage from moving. Largest black spot in the gouge is a dead bug but I don't think it was the problem. Also looks like one of my girls has a cal/mag def.?


Well-Known Member
You can also get some Diatomaceous earth or however you spell it and dust your plant with it before you have flowers and put it everywhere around the base to keep insects off of it. The D.E. is really safe and you can actually it eat. Works wonders, and it's great inside too. It looks like your lady will make it, best of luck. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info, I guess the next question is since it's in full flower now will it finish early?