Deer fence thats easy to transport


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna do an outdoor grow way out in the woods and I need some deer fencing material that I can fit in a backpack. I need to keep the material concealed so hikers and bikers do not see it when I transport it to the spot. I'm thinking that black net used for birds although I'm not sure if its strong enough. Whatever I end up using, I will make it at least 6 ft tall and nail it to wood posts or trees. ANyone got any ideas?

I found this stuff on ebay, not sure how promising it would be: and this

Bodhi Soul

When i can get my hands on some, i'll probably use chicken wire and try to camoflauge it somehow with spray paint and some nearby vegetation weaved into it. Are deer a problem in your area?


Well-Known Member
When i can get my hands on some, i'll probably use chicken wire and try to camoflauge it somehow with spray paint and some nearby vegetation weaved into it. Are deer a problem in your area?
Yes, deer are about the biggest problem besides potential thieves. They will strip a plant to the stock if they can get to it. I'm in Nor Cal btw.


Well-Known Member
thanks for posting this deer fence stuff. Im gonna use it this year, its a bit cheaper then the metal hog fence i was gonna use.


Well-Known Member
Fishing line. Pull strands of it around your plot at different heights like a fence. Just make it a few ft away from the plants. This will keep them back. they won't see the line, but when they hit it, it should spook them away. And you can carry many rolls in a pack. This would work good to keep the plot camouflaged by not having a solid fence up. And if you are bad dude, you can thread fish hooks all around it to catch thieves. just have an area w/o hooks that you can get through.


Well-Known Member
Fishing line. Pull strands of it around your plot at different heights like a fence. Just make it a few ft away from the plants. This will keep them back. they won't see the line, but when they hit it, it should spook them away. And you can carry many rolls in a pack. This would work good to keep the plot camouflaged by not having a solid fence up. And if you are bad dude, you can thread fish hooks all around it to catch thieves. just have an area w/o hooks that you can get through.
I like the fishing line idea. Maybe I will use fishing line around the perimeter of the plot and the deer netting over that so it has the extra support in case one tears or breaks. Not sure if the deer in my area would be spooked though for running into something. Sooner or later it seems like they figure it out and get to their desired food.


Well-Known Member
thanks for posting this deer fence stuff. Im gonna use it this year, its a bit cheaper then the metal hog fence i was gonna use.
No prblem. Just remember that the net does have drawbacks as some deer may plow through this stuff as it is not painfull and easy to tear.


So I have tried the fishing line and that method sucks for my deer, they are way too ballsy. The deer netting is my standby. It works really well as long as you post it up sturdy enough. Also I have never had a problem with deer eating my herb(and I have a lot of deer around(Norcal also)) but tomatoes I have growing right next to the herb gets hammered by them. So I would suggest planting a few tomato plants nearby, it has worked for me. How about deer netting around your herb then tomatoes around the outside. Thats what I am going to do. I think that might be the ticket
take some bells, like the kind at the end of christmas stockings (?) and tie them to the end of the fishing line, it will spook the deer with it hits the bells and makes them ring


Well-Known Member
So I have tried the fishing line and that method sucks for my deer, they are way too ballsy. The deer netting is my standby. It works really well as long as you post it up sturdy enough. Also I have never had a problem with deer eating my herb(and I have a lot of deer around(Norcal also)) but tomatoes I have growing right next to the herb gets hammered by them. So I would suggest planting a few tomato plants nearby, it has worked for me. How about deer netting around your herb then tomatoes around the outside. Thats what I am going to do. I think that might be the ticket
Fishing line by itself is the recipe for disaster when dealing with nor cal deer. I agree with you about deer being to balsy, they will get to anything if there is no solid barrier. IDK about using tomotoes to defend weed, as i've had many weed plants chomped. I mean chomped worse than what a cop would do to it.


Well-Known Member
So i've pretty much made up my mind. I'm gonna put posts in the ground and wrap the permiter with several layers of fishing line at multiple levels. Then I'll use the deer net over the fishing line. I just hope the deer won't try to push through this.

Guerillia Farmer

Well-Known Member
The ultimate is planting around wild fruit trees and other fruits and plants they eat.... one my areas is infested with rasberries and blackberries.. And another area has like 10 big and good sized apple trees.... i rarely have problem with plants being eatin because the apples and berries keep them full and happy.... I have more problems with the organic plots they get dug up... U dont want to use blood and bone meal or anything with fish


Well-Known Member
agreed guerillia farmer....deer not a problem but racoons and foxes and skunks dig up plants when i use anything organic...


Active Member
All I do is piss around them and that works perfectly fine. If you have alot of plants then fill up a few bottles to pack out to your plants. The piss is chalk full of nitrogen and helps durring veg anyways. Just don't piss directly on the plant or you could burnem. Some of the Ideas you noobs come up with are just down right crazy. Why would you lug out hundreds of pounds of fences and posts and shit. What do you think a bystander would make of fenced in plants in the middle of nowhere? Why don't you just get a pet cougar while your at it? I guess if you have cats you could bring out the litter box scoops to trickem that theres a cougar around or maybe dog shit for coyote/wolf but then again humans are the biggest predator around. If animals are diggin up your holes your not doing it right. You should be topping your holes with the native topsoil you dug out first to mask it. Why would you use bloodmeal and bone meal and fish anyways? Because some other rocket scientist on rollitup swears by it? So you can overfeed your plant all the micro nutrients it will never use? Nitrogen-Phosphorous-Potassium are what the plant needs, not two pounds of calcium and other non composted crap. K.I.S.S.


I'#d use chicken wire. Not the most subtle when carried around (jut whack it in a rucksack or such) but it doesn't weigh much of anything and does the job.


Well-Known Member
fresh earth attracts animals..a freshly dug hole = gold mine for some animals.....and organic nutes seem to attracts them like blood in the water to a shark...i have had some luck spraying with neem after i nute or dig a hole and back fill it...the neem kinda keeps them away..but not foolproof... i agree with a fence is a bad idea...9 out of ten times someone will not notice plants that are in the ground..yo put up a fence and you are asking for someone to find them...plant twice as many as you need and hope half make it...good luck


Well-Known Member
i dont under stand how so many people have prob with deer. i have deer in my yard almost all day long. and night. in fact there 3 right now. first dont plant tell the native plants start growing. the only time i ever have deer go after my plants are when i put them out to early and the smell that fresh green plant that they havnt seen or smeeled all winter. so when i do put them out early. last week of april i take chicken wire make circle one foot round. put it over your plant. by the time the plant gets biger. other plants will be growing. if not liquid fence works great. but i find skunks like that.


Well-Known Member
016.jpg017.jpg025.jpgher'es how we keep deer out of our babies!! a 8 ft fence will not keep them out, have ya ever seen how easy it is for a deer to just hop right over the top and land inside when you are outside? and have them snort at ya !! i did once and that was the end of that shit . the strings going out away from the fence and helps hold everything in place. when they stand up to see over they get it all way around . i never have lost any more plants to animals since. good luck