defeating flyover FLIR


Well-Known Member
The case was Kylo vs US (2001). The supreme court ruled that IR imaging is a search that requires a warrant.

Thermal imaging your home is, in the eyes of the law, a search. Which means they need a warrant first, *before* they thermally image your home. That's only in the US, Canada and the UK are not so protective of the sanctity of privacy in one's own home. If you're in the US, it's not really an issue anymore, as long as you don't give them a reason to get a warrant in the first place. In other words, they can't thermally image your home, see the heat of 20,000 watts of lights, and get a warrant. They have to get the warrant first.

And once they have a warrant, they won't bother thermally imaging your home; they'll arrive with a pile of squad cars, ram open your door, and tear your home apart. Much cheaper for them, and probably loads more fun too.

So the key is, don't provide them any reason whatsoever for a warrant. No smells, nothing visible by human eyes (even from above), and especially nothing in your trash. It's also wise to keep foot traffic to a minimum, and don't let your phone records indicate any type of pattern of potentially illegal activity. If you have neighbors, they'd best not be suspicious, because if they are, you're in danger.
Idk how to prevent Feds to see your crops, but as far as legality goes, most of this info is wrong. Feds DO have the right to use flir on your house. As long as they stay on public property ie streets, sidewalks, and AIR. If they find that u are most likely a grower they can present their info to a judge to recieve a warrant. Unless ur pushing around 2000watts, don't worry about it. A few light bulbs will blend in with different structers of your house like air conditioner and what not. As long as u don't hve a room full of lights, your fine. Just keep it away from windows and don't tell anyone. People snitch