Defeincincy or Burn Help please


Active Member
Hmm, flushed already.........If you have a problem like this, sometimes flushing will cause more problems then the one your trying to solve......That's why I said to just water it away......No problem though.....ok you flushed. Now when the pot is light and it needs to be watered again.....Just water it - no nutes yet!
No added nutrient for 8 days total.....
Now then, you must know that this is not going to return your effected leaves to go back to nice and green. That will not happen for any problem but N def. That's not your problem!
The yellowing should slow down - a lot.....Some will still slowly turn and die.....There is nothing we can do about that....That part is natural....
This will take days to happen.....any correction you make - will take 5-7 days to begin to show a result in the plant - got that?
Be patient!

OK, 8 days of no nutrients are done......Are you using both nutrients at the same time? Grow and bloom?
Use only the bloom.....feed and water like this ,,,,, plant needs to be watered = feed it - next time water only - next time feed it - next time water only - feed - water and so forth till the plant is done........Top max is ok to use at least it appears to be a humic, fulvic acid supplement......Bio Bizz is good stuff,,,but I wish they would list their NPK values... I said for next time....Do not start bloom nutrients till the 3rd week from the flip to 12/12.......NO extra bloom boosters with High P&K numbers N - P - K alright?

Now, your plant will time it will be better (your not the first guy with this problem and using BioBizz)....
BE PATIENT.....slow down.....breath in, breath will get better at this..

By the way NPK on bio grow is 4-3-6 and bio bloom is 2-7-4