Deficiency! Could I be doing better? Healthy looking plants


Well-Known Member
first rule of fight club is turn off your grow lights when filming.
second rule is to turn your fucking phone sideways...

could be lots of things. thats the fun part of this hobby. Fortunately the plants dont look horrible yet.
I would start with a bigger cooler rez. More air bubbling. get some base nuets that people have heard of and go with something basic. A single bottle of Dynagro - Grow is what I'd use. I would take the EC to .7 or so. Probably 500 ppm on your scale, you didnt say if you use a .5 or .7 pen... lights look a little close for comfort.

to tranplant tangled roots plants just cut the bitches and move them. They will grow back. Of course thats with healthy plants. But sometimes you have to clear the nap to get them healthy. catch22 type thing. Tangled roots by themselves arent really bad. Its if you have rot that things get dicey. but that rot is coming from environment not from them being tangled.


Active Member
Remember that you don't know the strains. One may love a higher concentrated feed while another loves almost none. It's gotta be a needle in the haystack to find that sweet spot. Is this your first grow? Just curious
Second grow in the same system. The first grow I grew 3 plants. Two were males and one was a female. I had less CFLs and lumens but got a yield close to 2 oz. But conditions were a lot less controlled than this time around.


Well-Known Member
Word up. That's pretty good for your first time, especially with cfls. If you get hooked on this you should look into feminized seeds. Saves a lot of time and anxiety.


Active Member
first rule of fight club is turn off your grow lights when filming.
second rule is to turn your fucking phone sideways...

could be lots of things. thats the fun part of this hobby. Fortunately the plants dont look horrible yet.
I would start with a bigger cooler rez. More air bubbling. get some base nuets that people have heard of and go with something basic. A single bottle of Dynagro - Grow is what I'd use. I would take the EC to .7 or so. Probably 500 ppm on your scale, you didnt say if you use a .5 or .7 pen... lights look a little close for comfort.

to tranplant tangled roots plants just cut the bitches and move them. They will grow back. Of course thats with healthy plants. But sometimes you have to clear the nap to get them healthy. catch22 type thing. Tangled roots by themselves arent really bad. Its if you have rot that things get dicey. but that rot is coming from environment not from them being tangled.
Temps have been 74-81 f with two oscillating fans moving air in and out. I also have a inline fan bring in air from the outside into the closet. Humidity is around 30% due to the cold air but since it has been getting warmer it is usually at 35% with the door open lights on and raises to a max of 56% with the doors closed during the 6 hours of darkness.

Agree. I should of closed/moved the lights. I realized that after watching the video. Yeah same with the angle, didn't watch it till after the upload. That is true I do enjoy growing and the uncertainties. Regarding the PPM pen it is .5 here is the details. I am waiting on the FoxFarm trio to arrive (should be here in next 2 days). The lights are adjusted daily. Since they are CFLs I try to keep them 3-4 inches away.

There is no sign of root rot- the res temps are around 67-72 f and I have 2 airstone/pumps. There is very little light brown on the top of the roots where it leaves the net pot but I think that may be from the hydroton rocks or SH's Micro packet bc their instructions mention it is common. I do want to transplant them. Have you done that before, cutting roots which can't be untangled? Using three separate 5-gal buckets would make life ALOT easier.


Active Member
Word up. That's pretty good for your first time, especially with cfls. If you get hooked on this you should look into feminized seeds. Saves a lot of time and anxiety.
Yes, I definitely want to get feminized seeds but I am not to sure about how safe shipping them will be in terms of the law. Got any advice on that?


Well-Known Member
sure ive seperated tangled roots. Just pull them apart as much as you can and carefully cut apart any tangles with a sharp knife. Try not to rip a huge hunk off one plant and try to cut the bottom stuff more than the top. They may shock a little but in DWC it shouldnt be to bad.


Active Member
sure ive seperated tangled roots. Just pull them apart as much as you can and carefully cut apart any tangles with a sharp knife. Try not to rip a huge hunk off one plant and try to cut the bottom stuff more than the top. They may shock a little but in DWC it shouldnt be to bad.
It seems like it is going to be hard. They seem pretty tangled. It is like a bundle. But I will try to gently seperate them tomorrow. Hopefully, it doesn't cause much stress. I will post back with an update but I have a feeling they won't separate easily.


Active Member
When are you flipping to 12/12 ?

I am thinking of doing it soon, I am waiting on FF nutes. After I fix the issue I have now, then I will give the plants a week more of veg with the FF nutes. Then I will switch the lights over and follow the FF feeding schedule. So in about a week and a half. Hoping for at least for one female. Luckily all 3 are female :)


Active Member
FF nutes arrived!! So how does one go about separating roots in a DWC? I have a bundle that looks like it can be detangled but will take a long time and would have to be manually separated. The longer the lid is open the more the roots get exposed to light so I don't want to cause root rot but need the light to see. So now I am debating whether it is necessary to separate them? I don't want to shock them or stress them into being males. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
If they aren't going into individual units why separate? And shipping with over seas seeds is easier than you think. Only customs can screw you over. But they usually are concerned with prescriptions. Always have it sent to another address than the grow. Mine have come 2 weeks or less. A lot of growers do it.


Well-Known Member
You should separate and put in each own unit. Then you can fix the problems that are unique to each one. Also they are free to absorb any nutrient they like without competing for it.


Active Member
If they aren't going into individual units why separate? And shipping with over seas seeds is easier than you think. Only customs can screw you over. But they usually are concerned with prescriptions. Always have it sent to another address than the grow. Mine have come 2 weeks or less. A lot of growers do it.
Yeah I came to the realization separating them will be impossible. I was thinking of putting them in separate units and figured it would make things easier but after looking at the root-bundle I decided to stick to the single res. In my next grow I will do separate buckets because for my grow space they should be easier to maintain. Thanks, that is what I read about. I definitely will ship it to another location before one of in my future grows. What sativa strain would you suggest for a smaller indoor grow space?

Btw after the feeding the FF nutes the leaves look a bit healthier. Their feeding schedule suggested 15 tsp of Grow Big and Big Bloom (tsp/gallon). I put a little less -2tsp maybe but it brought the ppm up to 970. But I will increase the dosage slowly until I reach the FF suggested ppm range for 4-5 weeks. I about to Ph and feed now so I will post back with how it goes.


Active Member
Did you read roseman, he is a GOD and his tutorial will answer ALL of your questions
It is an easier read here

less stupid questions between posts

Roseman + DWC = :joint:
Thanks, I have started it now. He truly is genius. Yeah gotta research more before posting. I just get worried I am doing something wrong so I figure it will save time/cause less stress to the plant if I find a quicker solution. But still not a excuse lol.


Active Member
You should separate and put in each own unit. Then you can fix the problems that are unique to each one. Also they are free to absorb any nutrient they like without competing for it.
Yes exactly. I wish I could separate them but the way the roots have formed a bundle within the res, makes it impossible to separate quickly. Its pretty tangled. So I figure in my next grow I will do separate 5-gal buckets. But I have question. Say one of the plants turn out being female after I switch the lights to 12/12 can I still clone/take a cutting from that female and put it so clone/veg? I have never cloned and would appreciate to read a thread on it. What would you do in this case?


Well-Known Member
I usually grow indica dominant strains. So I'm not very knowledgable on sativas. Hopefully this batch you won't get any males. That's gunna be a bitch to separate if you need to kill one.


Active Member
I usually grow indica dominant strains. So I'm not very knowledgable on sativas. Hopefully this batch you won't get any males. That's gunna be a bitch to separate if you need to kill one.
No worries but out of curiosity which indicas do you usually prefer to grow? Yeah it would be but I don't think you have to right? During my first grow two of them turned out being male and I just cut their stalks. I left their netpots/roots and just covered them with a piece of tin foil. The bundle was tangled with two of them being chopped down and the female still produced buds. Do you think that would hurt a female in anyway in DWC? It didn't seem to rot away. The roots turned a little browner but the female still survived.