Deficiency or BURN!.? Help PLease :S


Hey all reall need help diagnosing the problem with my leaves it looks like nitrogen def but i am readin that burnin starts at the tips which this kind of done they also look to be drying out and curling :'(
they are in regular compost kind of peat moss'y so i added some dolmite lime to raise the ph to 7ish and added bonemeal with perlite in the mix.
I fed her for the first timelast week and now shes going to be wattered agen dont wether to water with just plain phd water or a little nutes.
Help would be greatly appreciated :S.?
IMAG0521.jpg Soz for the bad pic was takin in quickness :P The leaves look as if ther pretty pale aswell :'(


Well-Known Member
How old, fed with what,and how much, how did you 'add dolo and perlite'?
ALSO, a better pic, with better view and light would be helpful.


shes about 27 days old still evg, fed her with bio bizz grow, i added the dolmite to the soil and perlite aswell perlite is about 40% to soil ratio couple of tblsp of dolomite a couple a tbsp of bonemeal, mixed all them up before i planted the seed


i bearly fed her any and the leaves started to lose colour before i fed her, like 3 ml to 2 litre i mixed


Honeslty:S i thot ye wanted the ph around 6.5 to 7 coz alot of nutes get locked out wen its too acidic
, what do yoo recomend i doo would flushing it with 6.5 ph water kind of buffer it down?


Active Member
any propper info will tell you the ph should be around 6 for plants.
blue lab explains it and gh makes a ph control kit with all the info you need

i would flush and start a propper nute schedule


Dam man i had the same kind of problem with my last and it was because the soil was too acidic :S
should i ph the water to like 6.3 and flush it, never flushed before read some guides onit tho
cheers for the help btw i was going in the complete opposit direction ther


Active Member
and just the bio bizz? seems like you are having small metal deficiencys
you should stick with an already amended soil like happy frog


yeah man just one feeding of it. yeah i think im gonnah, would you still recomend flushing with just water to try balancae it out abit?


Really i just flushed them with normal phd water to 6.4 n the run off came to 6.9 n they seem to have perked up abit


heyy man :P well we defos figuired sumthing out the ph was too alkaline i thot it was good for the ph to be 7ish, the flush defos looked like it helped new growth n the yellowing seems to have slowd down, Yeah il get a pic up soon shes gettin her beauty sleep the noo lol:P


Well-Known Member
All my water is tap water and is plants love..the salts only build up if you keep feeding without flushing..I feed ...then straight tap water..feed..straight tap not ditch it..even from your shitty picture I can tell that the plant is nowhere near bad enough to toss it in the garbage.


yeah its tap water im using and i fed a little onece before then flushed ther they seemed to like the water a little more acidy


Active Member
ok sorry about my advice before. i was wrong. if the plant is coming back then it will be a perfect plant to learn off of. then next round go all out!