Deficiency or ???? Flushed and slowly getting worse lol :/ 2 week left


Well-Known Member
Hey yall well not sure if im being a nervous nelly !! lol cable guy a great movie :leaf::leaf::leaf:


ok 1 pic of 1 plant 2 of each of the other 2!!!! I know the leafs are supposed to yellow later in flowering on the 1 and seeing as some of the fan leafs are gone thsoe small ones would take the place ??? but the other 2 slowly getting worse the buds still look great all over just leafs !!! I flushed with some half assed PH water and in MG soil lol so prolly combo of both like i keep getting told and asking but i have not fed them no nutes in a good while now should I next time i water 1 time or just let them be for the last 2 weeks:leaf:
The good while for nutes is in maybe a week or 2 lol :/ i laid off on em because of the leafs guess i might need to up them a little ? or cal / mag not sure


Well-Known Member
also watered yesterday if i need to add some nutes would it be ok to add a good mix to maybe a 32oz and put maybe 8oz in each with a 1/2 nute solution possibly i hear foliar feeding late in flowering isnt to good to do often


Well-Known Member
Judging by your pictures, you had best just hash them out and start over. You'll spend more in electricity trying to bring them back around at this point. Not the most helpful advice, but definitely wise.


Well-Known Member
:( I got a couple blue dreams in there so I'm wait n let em finish or c if I can get em to fAtten up bit more cuz the buds look great :-/ thanks tho any other suggestions ?? If they was only 3 I had I might say u know whY fuck it still can dry it n smoke it lol


Well-Known Member
Nute burn to the max, aided by overwatering at times. Dry it out and ride it out. Better yet, transplant into real soil and use ONLY water for a couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
i have FFOF i was gonna transplant but figured they are so far into flower no point :( ugh lol so much to try and learn haha :( hmmm and thats what i have been doing just water for a few :/ thanks bro !!! so worth it to transplant them for last few weeks ??


Well-Known Member
i have FFOF i was gonna transplant but figured they are so far into flower no point :( ugh lol so much to try and learn haha :( hmmm and thats what i have been doing just water for a few :/ thanks bro !!! so worth it to transplant them for last few weeks ??
why waste the soil? id be more worried about the rest of the bud being subject to looking like shit and being useless by letting this continue. like i said, hash or maybe even butter? looks like you have one set of hairs browned already, so its getting close anyhow. ride it out a couple of days, but if it worsen, clip it!


Well-Known Member
ok n it aint gonna be worth just drying and curing it :/ ??
Take a peek at your trichs, see what color they are, if anything is cloudy then i would dry and cure your top colas as they will most likely be the most done. Give it a couple days though to see if she will pull through. Really just clip when you see/think the bud area is at danger of experiencing burn.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks yeah i havent looked at the thrichs in a 4-5 days probably i will :) well i hope they get to looking better thanks ! :/ now that i have some real soil also i believe my next grows will be way healthier compared to the MG i started with on them


Well-Known Member
ok well took all dead leafs off....on the taller one with the yellow leafs seems to have a good bit of cloudy in areas and i seen maybe 3 or 4 thrichs total that were amber / red out of all of what i looked at between the 3 plants but they are getting cloudy give them few days before cutting them down ?? see how they go or


Well-Known Member
ok thanks yeah i havent looked at the thrichs in a 4-5 days probably i will :) well i hope they get to looking better thanks ! :/ now that i have some real soil also i believe my next grows will be way healthier compared to the MG i started with on them

FFOF is definately a good way to go, just be sure not to plant in straight FFOF as it will burn your plant. I find that a mixture of 1/4 FFLW (light warrior), 1/4 FFHF (Happy Frog) and 1/2 FFOC works out just dandy. Its loose enough to allow the plants roots to take hold easily while allowing proper drainage, provides a decent amount of nutes and contains a significant amount of micos to help aid in building stable and supportive soil life. Buying all three bags of FF soil is expensive though, so sometime i like to just get FFOC, FFHF and a big ol bag of perilite.


Well-Known Member
ok well took all dead leafs off....on the taller one with the yellow leafs seems to have a good bit of cloudy in areas and i seen maybe 3 or 4 thrichs total that were amber / red out of all of what i looked at between the 3 plants but they are getting cloudy give them few days before cutting them down ?? see how they go or
no harm in waiting to see what happens so long as the bud sites arnt burning to the bud. just keep an eye out the next couple of days to see if the problem is fixing itself or worsening. If you clipped right now, you would get high off your smoke, but not as high as you could get. so just wait.


Well-Known Member
yeah i plan on to over the past week alone they have really swollen up compared to how they were the taller one with yellow leafs every bud site is like 2-3" thick lol hard to tell by pics :/ but yeah every part of bud sites look awesome so far so im keep checking thanks for all da help lol