Deficiency or lockout ? Please help

hey everyone. These plants are in 1 gallon of coco, 4 weeks into veg. Feeding r/o water with 2ml calmag 4ml floranova per gallon. Ph at 5.9 going in. The plants are growing slow and yellowing. The coco is staying wet for 4 day’s. What can this be ? Also some curled up leafs . Any info would be appreciated?
I also checked the run off of the water and it’s coming out at 5.5 I tried flushing with 2 gallons of water at 1/2 strength nutes and the ph stays the same . It’s a disaster and I can’t fix it


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Well-Known Member
Look at your leave margins; it appears you're running too hot or running too much light.
Your girls all look short on Mg.
You don't want your coco drying out, so I'm not sure about it taking 4 days for the pots to dry out from watering. You should be feeding daily at this point.

Do you think you may have over watered to the point that their roots are compromised?


Well-Known Member
A little more info would help. How are your temps and humidity? How is your drainage? Could your plants have wet feet?


Well-Known Member
What are you growing in? Those pots look like plastic bags.

I agree with CannaCountry, the curled up edges usually indicate too hot of a grow area. You also have a lot of purple stems maybe increase the CalMag dosage if everything else is on point. What temperatures are you getting in there?
Look at your leave margins; it appears you're running too hot or running too much light.
Your girls all look short on Mg.
You don't want your coco drying out, so I'm not sure about it taking 4 days for the pots to dry out from watering. You should be feeding daily at this point.

Do you think you may have over watered to the point that their roots are compromised?
Thanks for the reply and input. The lights are gavita 1700 e leds, the lights are about 3-4 feet from the canopy and dimmed down to 70%, they were 50% when the plants were smaller. From the day the clones have been planted I been watering them every 4 days because that’s how long it’s been taking for the pots to get light when I pick them up, I’m not sure if that can be considered overwatering ? . I was told that with leds you have to run temperature at low 80’s so my room temps stay between 83-84 f. Humidity is in the 60-65 range.
A little more info would help. How are your temps and humidity? How is your drainage? Could your plants have wet feet?
What are you growing in? Those pots look like plastic bags.

I agree with CannaCountry, the curled up edges usually indicate too hot of a grow area. You also have a lot of purple stems maybe increase the CalMag dosage if everything else is on point. What temperatures are you getting in there?

Yes the pots are 1 gallon grow bags filled with Mother Earth coco/perlite mix and they drain fine, I’ve used these grow bags before outdoors and they worked great. temps are 83-84 because I’m using gavita leds and was told to run them in the low 80’s to avoid “led deficiency”. Humidity is a little lower than I would want, it’s 60-65 % . I haven’t got a humidifier. Do you guys think 2ml calmag per gallon isn’t enough in coco ? I’ve sprayed with Epsom salts a couple times but it hasn’t made a difference. As far as wet feet or overwatering, I’ve always watered every 4-5 days from the beginning because that’s how long it’s been taking for the coco to get light in weight when picking up the pot, or else it stays wet and heavy.
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