Deficiency or something else?


Hello everyone,

This is my first post as a fellow amateur grower. Sadly it's to find the source of a recurring problem. This is my second grow, the first was only a test for my setup. I'll tell you a bit about me first, then I'll explain the problem.

So basically I started growing in february, after finishing my grow cabinet. I learned pretty much everything from there on on RIU. Even the cabinet was made based on a cab I saw here on the forum (@lilindian). Here is mine:


For my first grow, I used seeds from a friend of mine, who got them from his friend… I also used shitty soil with shitty nutrients. Got 3 males out of four plants, my main female was pollinated, I messed up. I'm still smoking that stuff now, as a kind of punishment for doing it oh so wrong the first time… :P

But now, after learning a lot from everyone, lots of watching, reading, trying, I wanna do this one right. And I put a lotta money in this thing, I don't want to mess it up again. Here's the set up:

I'm growing in a 4x3x7 space. Temps are about 75-80 all day long, dropping to 70 at night. I have 4 x 3.4 gallons airpots, and I'm using bio terra plus soil from canna. I also use the complete biocanna line + calmag from general organics.
From the start, I followed kyle Kushman's advice on how to use the biocanna line, seemed to work really well. I have a nice root system going on in those pots I can tell ya. I'm also running this grow in a scrog setup, at about 12 inches from the pots. I did 4 weeks of vegging, and am now in the second week of flowering. For the last week, I fed only once a week (one time last sunday, waited a week to feed again, only water in between). I read that I'm supposed to feed every time I water cuz I'm using organics… So I think maybe my problem is as simple as that. But I fed bio vega and bio flora every time since flowering, as Kushman said (biocanna seems to need to add biovega in the first 2 weeks of flowering to avoid nitrogen def).
What is bugging me is that I'm seeing the same problem I had with my first grow. At around the same time, the same symptoms (pretty much). So I'm starting to wonder about the other stuff (rootbound, genetics, etc)

I should note that I'm using a drip system to water in between feedings, as I"m often on the road and cannot be there all the time.
Here are the pictures.

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Last feed was yesterday,: Bio vega full dose, Bio flora full dose, Cannazym full dose, bio boost 3\4 dose (stuff's expensive as hell), didn't add calmag and maybe I should've…
Feel free to chime in! Need advice soon!


organics you want to feed your soil not your plants.......the beneficial bacteria love some worm tea and they are what break down the nutrients for your plant to use readily........... so paying for all these gimmick companies bottle may not be your only option.... some good ole tea's do much better.... and feeding less is always more in marijuana growing...

-the pots seem fine to support a 100 day grow roughly....
-the yellowing is normal in flowering... especially the bottom older shaded leaves.... the plant uses up those leaves mobile energy as they realize they wont be used to absorb light anymore.
-whats the water your using? is it tap? r/o? PH 6.8?

that is simply a nitrogen deficient leaf that could have been pulled by the plant on purpose.... or if its happening to the new growth and well lit areas.... there's something more going on below ground..... usually salt build up(flush) or PH (flush)


Thanks for helping!

I'm using bottled stuff cuz I simply don't have the time nor space to do my own organic tea (and not the knowledge for now).
I understand that yellowing of the bottom leaves is normal in flowering, but only in 2 weeks time? That seems a bit fast. Plus I'm seeing brownish spots on some leaves and they're all curled up.
I'm using tap water, which I let sit for at least 24h before watering + I'm using airstones to help evaporate chlorine. Seems like I don't need to check PH when using biocanna organic line, but maybe I could do a test. I don't have the material to do so for now, that's why.

Anyone else? And maybe some biocanna users?


Well-Known Member
They look healthy, but yellowing near the bottom is almost always a sign that they need more nitrogen. Give them a little extra canna vega next feeding and they should be fine.

Edit: The leaves might also be yellowing due to the fact they are not getting enough light because of the ScroG, in that case it's normal just let them die off natually.


Well-Known Member
Looks great. Very nice.

I'de say, don't bother with the bio boost. Just my opinion though. I've tried the boost from Canna and HnG. I have not noticed a difference.

Also, with the yellowing leaves... possibly it is related to the scrog? No light is getting to the lower fans leaves and they are yellowing, perhaps.

If that is the case, it is not a problem. It just comes along with scrog.


Well-Known Member
They look healthy, but yellowing near the bottom is almost always a sign that they need more nitrogen. Give them a little extra canna vega next feeding and they should be fine.

Edit: The leaves might also be yellowing due to the fact they are not getting enough light because of the ScroG, in that case it's normal just let them die off natually.
Haha. My thought exactly.


Thanks for the comments guys, it's a bit reassuring. Still... can't help but worry about the girls. I used bio-vega, not sure if it helped though, seems to have slowed a bit today. But here's another pic to show you what I mean:


The tops are looking good though, so I hope they stay that way. Maybe a flush would help? It would be difficult with my setup...



No one willing to give any more advice? I lost quite a bit of foliage on my plants (the two on the right, the left ones are in perfect condition now). I added processed seaweed to my feeding schedule, can't see any real improvement for now. I think I'll give them a bit of bio vega next watering (I stopped vega this week).
What do you guys think? Here's a pic of the good stuff :) I can show a pic of the bad stuff too tonight if anyone cares.


Well-Known Member
your fine homie, your no fool, i think you got this under control. The other posters told you to just keep up on your Nitrogen. Keep us posted in a few weeks.