Definitely male? Right?


Hello, One of my children is 1.5 weeks into flower and I'm about positive it's male. I'm about to end its life and not completely sure. Just wanted to confirm that I'm correct before I commit manslaughter, thanks.

IMG_0010[1].jpg IMG_0011[1].jpg


Well-Known Member

don't throw it in the trash though man..

alot of new growers around here think that they immediately should throw the males away. Well, don't.!

you can use the male for making hash. Keep the leafs and stems.. and make hash with them.

If you need any help making the hash.. just msg me. ISO Hash is very easy to make.. and very potent if you do it correctly.



Active Member
Alright im pretty sure thats a male but because they're not super close up pics, it kinda looks like a calyx that hasnt popped out it hairs yet. But because there is a lot of the little bastards, i'd say you got nuts on a dude bro.

Idk how you would make hash out of a male cause i thought hash was trichomes, which are only on females. Please correct me if Im wrong, but trich's are pollen attracters so it makes since that you wouldnt have any trichomes on a male, therfore nothing to make hash out of


That was quick, thanks all.

Only two plants at the moment, the taller one is the male above. The smaller one isn't developing as fast, but appears only two nubs where at each node and are looking like they may be pistols. If both are male, I may tear up a little.

ganjaluvr I may take you up on that to see your method to the madness. I've read a few different methods and it doesn't seem extremely straight forward.