Definitely Not A Pro !


Okay , so I have no idea what kind of seeds I started with but .............. I've gotten them to grow so I might be doing okay .

The thing is , I had 3 male plants and 1 female plant , now I know the males pollinate and create seeds in the female buds , but what I dont know is when i should start harvesting my buds !!

My lady is thin and top heavy so I dont know whats going to happen once she really starts budding and I dont want her to topple over !!!

Somebody please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Can you post a pic? Even a crummy one? And did you get rid of the males? Prop her up with chopsticks or a broom stick - anything. Drive whatever you use straight down and deep as close to her as possible. Then use soft yarn or other soft material to loosely tie her to your new support.


Yes I got rid of the males as soon as I noticed ! I think it had it been like 2 days maybe 3 , but some of the sacks were definitely open and the leaves were dusty . i didnt notice any on the female but its not hard to assume !