Defoliate or not to defoliate

i ll rephrase that to every grower thinks they are the best lol. I got the best weed :eyesmoke:

Thats because you have a place to breed and have 387 seeds of each strain and 17 af600' ... .If I had a bigger place it would be on.... after i got some new strains

I have 4 dank strains. I want more . I want some jillybean, space bomb, marrionberry kush, respect, atomic nl, slh and sensi super skunk. and a couple of your crosses. New lights come first..
if you read my thread. You would of saw the posts about my place being robbed and I lost everything. I had to move and start over with borrowed lights. Just because I don't use shitty hps lights doesn't mean shit. I plan n buying a couple 860 w cmh's. It costs alot of money to move far and float your life for 4 months. . 9 years hydro experience 5 years soil experience. For t5 I'm doing dam well. Big frosty buds. I will probably hit 3 zips a plant for 8 plants. If you read the first half you would see the difference. Go ahead and hate and go back to the noob section. You only came to organic section to argue.

Why are you giving me all these excuses, i have no sympathy for you bro, i am not your mother
you go round talking shit to people, "if you don't do what i say you are an idiot"
not to mention all these invalid black and white beliefs you hold

3 oz per plant is something to boast about ?
you are a big talking poser who does not have the goods to back up his mouth, just a bunch of silly excuses and bullshit

your intention on this thread was the same as usual, to preach your black and white fallacies and half-truths
i have not seen you helping the newer growers around here you try to make fun of their plants, you are not a nice guy

seems to me you are unable to admit when you are wrong, you are unable to take on board constructive criticism although you are more than happy to criticise others
i have nothing against you just calling it how i see it, so far i think you are a bit of a weasel
although i am willing to wipe the slate clean if your behavior improves

then the sugar leaves are supporting but if it veg's longer afterwards the sugars just turn into fan's
so there is really no argument valid at this point the fans will have died off in a long veg anyway
Say: "Honest to Gawd"?
Well.... Sugar leaves turn into Fans? That is Bull Shit, and any noob reading that strike it from your memory... Sugar leaves do not turn into fan leaves...On My Plants, ... LMAO, do they really on yours? Or are you defoil all your plant and you can not keep track?
I only grow my own clones....
Sometimes, I must cut a small leaf to fit under a Solo/Dixie Cup when I clone, I trim leaf, to fit inside cup, lid which is a clear drink cup turned over...
It's always fun 14 weeks later to see small leaf that was cut [when cloned] still alive, and still cut/still alive and green at bottom of my plant....
If you would have cut/pulled that leaf off that I left on, how would it have helped my plant? Green Lush is what you should shoot for...
Big Buds follow a really Green lush plant...Do it your own way...
Good Luck...
Skunk is a liar and an asshole! Hyroot has helped me and other new growers tremendously. If he's "black n white" than you're brown for full of shit.
an absolute statement that is only partially true is invalid
the comments about defoliation are misguided

many growers practice canopy management, selective removal of leaves and branches when attempting to maximize the bud produced in a given space
screen of green, LST these methods benefit from some leaf removal, sog can benefit from lower branch removal and leaf removal to create a single cola
i have practiced these kinds of grows successfully for around 20 years, i am happy with the results

defoliation is a word that generates strong reactions, the term itself is misused much to the delight of trolls
all "green" parts of the plant can be considered foliage branches and leaves
removal of any parts of the plant is a form of defoliation or pruning

defoliation has become so much more of an issue than it really is, this is mostly because of trolls like uncleben
it's not magic and its not going to turn the plant hermi or kill it either, it is just another method of pruning that needs to be tailored to each individuals environment
practiced until the grower either gets it right for their grow, or decides other methods are more practical,
sometimes bending branches tucking leaves under and using cages to open up the structure of the plant can also be used instead of, or to assist defoliation

it flies in the face of logic to assume that plants left to grow shaded will produce the same yield as organised plants trained to occupy a given space with cola
removing some leaves and branches can help shape the crop, so the maximum amount of branches are in the maximum amount of light
each branch will have some leaves remaining each bud will produce leaves
this is much better than having leaves shading these branches and shading each other

indoors under static artificial light where the light is only coming from directly above, which accounts for the majority of grows
the plant would not grow in its best possible shape under these conditions, the top heavy shaded shape many indicas grow in under these conditions is not helpful
left to themselves they would yield not so well
open them up with a tomato cage or something similar, remove a few leaves and the inner branches will develop into colas
overall the result is more cola in a given space since the space is only filled with healthy branches that produce colas


In the case of leafy sativa *clones, I have no choice but to defoliate(for lack of a better word)). The manner in which they veg is abnormal to begin with, leaves growing inward towards main stem...covering bud sites and stunting their growth etc.

BTW, nice post!
Why are you giving me all these excuses, i have no sympathy for you bro, i am not your mother
you go round talking shit to people, "if you don't do what i say you are an idiot"
not to mention all these invalid black and white beliefs you hold

3 oz per plant is something to boast about ?
you are a big talking poser who does not have the goods to back up his mouth, just a bunch of silly excuses and bullshit

your intention on this thread was the same as usual, to preach your black and white fallacies and half-truths
i have not seen you helping the newer growers around here you try to make fun of their plants, you are not a nice guy

seems to me you are unable to admit when you are wrong, you are unable to take on board constructive criticism although you are more than happy to criticise others
i have nothing against you just calling it how i see it, so far i think you are a bit of a weasel
although i am willing to wipe the slate clean if your behavior improves


lies lies and argumentative bull shit. You attacked me... I didn't talk shit to anyone... learn to read your own posts cherry picker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you actually read my thread you would be giving me props.

Why are you such a hater?
Do you need a hug?
you didn't read the thread at all liar.

you would be giving me props if you did read it.

I didn't read any of it.... just looked at the pics........... if I were you i wouldn't cut off any leaves either you don't have any to spare......clear cups ... carpet... stretchy plants... fluffy immature buds........ i call bullshit on 14 years its pretty obvious.........honestly it kinda looks like a really good first grow
I didn't read any of it.... just looked at the pics........... if I were you i wouldn't cut off any leaves either you don't have any to spare......clear cups ... carpet... stretchy plants... fluffy immature buds........ i call bullshit on 14 years its pretty obvious.........honestly it kinda looks like a really good first grow

all the buds were dense and big big plants with lots of leaves. Clear cups are so I can see how much the roots grow to transplant genius. The light doesn't hit the sides of the cups nor damage roots. Your'e pointing out carpet. Excuse me for not being in the ghetto. I guess you didn't see the tarp the plants sat on in all the pics. I have no use for tents when in have extra rooms and walk-in closets.. There's about 4 grows in this thread genius. Check my journal posts too. You looked at just the first page. When plants were at 10 days. Its obvious you didn't see anything else. Other wise you would of saw dank frosty big dense, colorful buds close to the size of milk cartons. You and skunk are the same person. You are both talking shit to the same people on the same threads. Keep it real hater.

like I said before if you saw every pic you would of gave me props. I got plenty of plus rep from this thread... Everyone loved the aloe Vera cloning tutorial.. And my strains even my own crosses...
If a plant does not need a leaf, it will let you know.
I do not understand how removing healthy leaves helps a plant.

This is just like a flushing debate. The people that have the best arguments for defoliation don't really defoliate.
Same thing as flushing, lol

How do you guys feel about Obamacare?
all the buds were dense and big big plants with lots of leaves. Clear cups are so I can see how much the roots grow to transplant genius. The light doesn't hit the sides of the cups nor damage roots. Your'e pointing out carpet. Excuse me for not being in the ghetto. I guess you didn't see the tarp the plants sat on in all the pics. I have no use for tents when in have extra rooms and walk-in closets.. There's about 4 grows in this thread genius. Check my journal posts too. You looked at just the first page. When plants were at 10 days. Its obvious you didn't see anything else. Other wise you would of saw dank frosty big dense, colorful buds close to the size of milk cartons. You and skunk are the same person. You are both talking shit to the same people on the same threads. Keep it real hater.

like I said before if you saw every pic you would of gave me props. I got plenty of plus rep from this thread... Everyone loved the aloe Vera cloning tutorial.. And my strains even my own crosses...

14 years you should know without looking at the roots when its time to transplant............youre full of shit
And once again the defoliate battle wages on another thread. Name-calling and making it personal always is the end of any debate...."my dick is bigger than your dick".....such bullshit.

To me, leaving the leaves on a plant makes the most sense, and my plants seem happy with how I leave them alone. With that said, those that feel strongly about pruning or defoliating and feel they benefit from such techniques have as much right to voice their opinions as anyone else.....but it always turns personal.

I think I'm going to figure out how to filter the words "defoliate" and "flushing" from my RIU so I no longer have to see this endless debate any longer.
Crazy how noobs think high yield means a great plant, I have a plant that only yields 1 oz but I sure as hell know its damn good bud, I had 1 that yielded 8 oz but shit was horrible, I sold it for $100 a oz lol I sold my 1 oz for $400, the small plant took up a third of the space, wish I would of planted 4 small 1 oz plants instead. Oh well live and learn, 3 oz of quality bud indoors is good enough for me, I do it for the best smoke not for highest yield. I would love to have both but havent found it yet.
I don't care about yield, I didn't weigh my last pull.
I could yield twice as much with Big Bud over what I could with most of what I like to smoke.

Quality is so underrated.

woody is a troll
I don't care about yield, I didn't weigh my last pull.
I could yield twice as much with Big Bud over what I could with most of what I like to smoke.

Quality is so underrated.

woody is a troll

Amen... It's all about the quality. I haven't weighed a harvest in a long time... For me, a successful harvest is one that lasts me
until my next crop is ready.

If more people grew for their own personal stash instead of trying to make a quick buck, we wouldn't see so many "conversations" like this...
I don't care about yield, I didn't weigh my last pull.
I could yield twice as much with Big Bud over what I could with most of what I like to smoke.

Quality is so underrated.

woody is a troll

y am I a troll? .......... because I see bullshit and say so? .........anybody w an opinion different than yours is a troll?
I think non organic ppl dont give a shit about quality and organic ppl dont care about yield. I usually intake .5 gram every time I smoke. I smoke 1-3 grams a day, it dont take much for me to stock pile weed around here lol I have jars galore but half the shit was junk so it just sits in that jar waiting to be made into hash. That's what I like to smoke. Good clean organic bubble that will make your nose run. I like shit that makes me cough because I know ill get off.