Defoliation Experiment - Side by Side Sister Clones

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Ya the LED's is part of the reason why I have to thin so often, gotta aim for a flat canopy and do not leave anything growing 16in. below the canopy. Kinda back handed comment with the stature thing but its whatever lol, never expecting to here a compliment from hid growers so any recognition of having done something right is fine by me. FYI only reason they look a lil thin in the stem dept is cus I have been lax on the supercropping cuz been busy cropping out one of my flowering tents, and the one on the left got split in half when I got to aggressive tieing her down (oops first time for everything). Anyways carry on with the poo flining fellas be waiting for this experiment to get under way.

I didn't mean anything derogatory toward you. Perhaps my wording was unclear. I meant for led they look damn good for being that large.

Mine are much more full due to hid...other than that the structure is similar.

and I will compliment anyone who puts pics up of healthy green plants. I don't care if he/she grew them in dogshit.

I tried repping you but my rep is expended for now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thought I just read that wrong. but I too am curious why you cut the leaf tips, I usually curse under my breath a lil when I knick a leaf while going all edward scissorhands lol. As stated above no trolling just curious.

Know what you meant bro, no offence taken just busting your ovaries a little. Preciate the acknowledgment


Well-Known Member
But molesting is so much fun.... On the real though nothing puts a smile on my face like quality time with my girls.


Well-Known Member
the real question is why are you posting here?
I'm posting here because you made a claim, a claim which you won't verify or can't. I guess i'm just showing you for the fraud that you are.

Saying 'well you put some pictures up first' is a little bit childish don't you think, sort of playground behaviour. Especially when you don't have the minerals to post any pictures yourself!! I'm sure the 20kg plants that you grow in shoe boxes with one 23w cfl are genuine, I guess we'll just have to believe you??

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I'd revel my lighting technique for my mother plants but I fear that may open another box of worms :eek:
ummmm I like worms ;) and I love fishing
I said that before too, instead of molesting the plant, just get a better light,right?
sounds so simple eh chuck? sometimes the easiest answers are just too complicated :-?
PLEASE, STFU, there, Now I asked nicely!!!

chuck is nice
clearly we are the only ones that understand this?
I don't think so. We are just the only ones bored enough to argue this never ending topic. I hope the op can put on a great test here and put an end to it.

I doubt it though. Not that he won't put on a good test or anything. His intent seems clear enough. but that some people will never be happy...myself included possibly.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I'm posting here because you made a claim, a claim which you won't verify or can't. I guess i'm just showing you for the fraud that you are.

Saying 'well you put some pictures up first' is a little bit childish don't you think, sort of playground behaviour. Especially when you don't have the minerals to post any pictures yourself!! I'm sure the 20kg plants that you grow in shoe boxes with one 23w cfl are genuine, I guess we'll just have to believe you??

shoeboxes??? PSHH only a fool would use those

dixie cups are where it's at

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member

Once I'm able to get on my laptop I'll show you and explain my personal strategy for mother plants.
cool. I always like to see new ideas. I've actually just changed my lighting for my moms from 864w of t5's to 600w of hps.

am really liking the results so far. and cheaper to win :)


Well-Known Member
cool. I always like to see new ideas. I've actually just changed my lighting for my moms from 864w of t5's to 600w of hps.

am really liking the results so far. and cheaper to win :)
Recently I changed a dispensary veg room from a couple dozen banks of t-5's to ten 1kW mh on movers. They used less lamps, less total watts, didn't have to micro manage light heights and best of all growth rates almost doubled.


Well-Known Member
Hey hey someone noticed my idea. I know that this would be way more work but I feel it is the only way to do a true comparison grow. Then you can not say the defol plant is stealing the control plant's growing "mojo". Plus like I said before you could keep the light closer to the defol's since that is clearly a point of contention in this thread. I just do not see how you do not look at an uneven canopy as a variable since you are either going to fry the control trying to keep the light close to the defol'd or the defol'd is gonna stretch and get leggy as hell to catch up with its untouched brethren. Bottom line is only way I see this going well with no cry of foul play is divided growing areas. Will 1 defoliated plant measure up to 1 untouched plant? Probably not is the same room together, they want different things, but same type of environment (light, temp, CO2 if any) then its anybody's game if you ask me.
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Have not tried defoliating (what I think is defoliating) but I do a fair amount of trimming and can speak to the fact that my plants take off when the roots only have to feed 50 bud sites instead of 100 so I am a fan of pruning in veg and it has its benefits, but it does slow the plant down. This is not everyones goal but fore me I need my plants to take a lil sequester from non stop growth or I would be overrun with foliage lol. Here is a pic of what I trimmed up this weekend, give ya the before and after
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*DISCLAIMER* I am not a defoliator but I do like to touch lil plants from time to time....
Thats a textbook example of properly defoliated plants. And you say your not a defoliator. Very nice.
btw love those very bright leds.