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There is a point in every leaves life where it is no longer beneficial to growth but is consuming more energy than it is producing. The same this goes with stems you remove, sometimes the energy a certain stem uses is more than it is going to produce, so you preemptively remove it before it uses too much. I think defoliation is more of a selective pruning technique rather than some gun ho miracle method.

Can you site the link where you got this information? It doesn't say that in any books I have read.
Can you site the link where you got this information? It doesn't say that in any books I have read.

Of course its not going to say it word for word to you but it says it in there. Its probably under leaf abscission or hormonal response. You have to use your brain sometimes not just regurgitate what someone tells you. I don't read of any website by the way, I have family that has been growing since hippy times and learn in a school and from people. Who knows wtf someone is on the internet.
This statement tells me that your not really looking for help or you would have a better answer than that. Have you even read through this thread...there are many other also. There are many threads on defoliation, take your pick and make up your own mind. Its not hard to find. Believe what you want. I know what works for me.

Like I said link some side by sides then guy.
Of course its not going to say it word for word to you but it says it in there. Its probably under leaf abscission or hormonal response. You have to use your brain sometimes not just regurgitate what someone tells you. I don't read of any website by the way, I have family that has been growing since hippy times and learn in a school and from people. Who knows wtf someone is on the internet.

and you still can't post links to back your information. Fail
and you still can't post links to back your information. Fail

I already did explain the science behind defoliation and it is supported by any textbook. Just because you are to lazy to read back through this thread doesn't mean I have to spend my time to look up supporting evidence for you read. Go find it yourself and stop trolling people, your sentence structure and commentary and sense of humor is a lot like Alexander supertramps are you the same people? also, you havn't posted on any other threads for yoru last 10 posts. Stop trolling this one with your duplicate account.
There is a point in every leaves life where it is no longer beneficial to growth but is consuming more energy than it is producing.

That's pure bullshit and again reflects your lack of botanical knowledge. For starts, what's with this "energy" stuff? Don't know what that loosely used cannabis term means but I do know that before a leaf drops the plant will use the goodies it has stored for the benefit of the rest of the plant. You really are grasping at straws now. :rolleyes:

I posted this a million times before but for the new members who can't figure out how to use the Search feature and/or are too lazy, I'll post this again which was rehashed in another forum about 15 years ago. Again and again, with every new crop of newbies.....

Robert O'Connell IS the authority; you are not in spite of your turbo posting about how wonderful it is to butcher your plants.

In his book "marijuana botany" Robert Connell Clarke states that:

Leafing is one of the most misunderstood techniques of drug cannabis cultivation.

He states that there are 3 common beliefs:

1.) large shade leaves draw energy from the flowering plant and by removing the large fan leaves
surplus energy will be available and larger floral clusters will be formed

2.) Some feel that the inhibitors of flowering , synthesized in the fan leaves during the long non-inductive days of summer, may be stored in the older leaves that were formed during the non-inductive photoperiod. Possibly, if these inhibitor-laden leaves are removed, the plant will proceed to flower more quickly when the shorter days of fall trigger flowering

3.) Large fan leaves shade the inner portions of the plant, and small, atrophied, interior floral clusters may begin to develop if they receive more light.

Few, if any, of the theories behind leafing have any validity. The large fan leaves have a definite function in the growth and development of cannabis. Large
leaves serve as photosynthetic factories for the production of sugars and other necessary growth substances.They do create shade, but at the same time they are collecting valuable solar energy and producing foods that will be used during the floral development of the plant. Premature removal of the fan leaves may cause stunting because the potential for photosynthesis is reduced.

Most cannabis plants begin to lose their larger leaves when they enter the flowering stage and this trend continues on until senescence (death of the plant)
He also states that removing large amounts of fan leaves will also interfere with the metabolic balance of the plant. Leaf removal may also cause SEX REVERSAL resulting from a metabolic imbalance.

He goes on to say that cannabis grows largest when provided with plentiful nutrients, sunlight, and water, and left alone to grow and mature naturally. It must be remembered that any alteration of the natural life cycle of cannabis will affect productivity.

This book has served me very well in my 12+ years of growing--I would have to side with RC on this one--those sunleaves are there for a reason--they dont grow just for show--leave them on there and let that plant grow naturally

Good Luck

hey uncle ben. Since this thread is a waste i figured a lil hijacking cant hurt so bad. :p I'm currently reading mel franks book and its a good read. thanks for the suggestion. however, I had ignorantly started my first crop before doing enough research and I've run into a lot of problems. right now my issue is that my leaves have curled down from the sides to look like claws. I tried the forum but no one seems to have a solid answer and honestly your opinion is the only opinion I trust at this point? any insight?

See my sig link. It's at the bottom of my posts.
I already did explain the science behind defoliation and it is supported by any textbook. Just because you are to lazy to read back through this thread doesn't mean I have to spend my time to look up supporting evidence for you read. Go find it yourself and stop trolling people, your sentence structure and commentary and sense of humor is a lot like Alexander supertramps are you the same people? also, you havn't posted on any other threads for yoru last 10 posts. Stop trolling this one with your duplicate account.

No I am not the same person. I have been reading the whole thread I was in the first couple posts aswell. Read back and you might see you are obviously not reading. You can't simply back up all this evidence you "defoliators" have with links. Just all the keeftrees bullshit. So that is a complete fail its as simple as that. No one is trolling anyone just asking both of you to back up links to your shit and you can't. I didn't know that was considered trolling.
No I am not the same person. I have been reading the whole thread I was in the first couple posts aswell. Read back and you might see you are obviously not reading. You can't simply back up all this evidence you "defoliators" have with links. Just all the keeftrees bullshit. So that is a complete fail its as simple as that. No one is trolling anyone just asking both of you to back up links to your shit and you can't. I didn't know that was considered trolling.
They just try to shift attention away from their ignorance.
That's pure bullshit and again reflects your lack of botanical knowledge. For starts, what's with this "energy" stuff? Don't know what that loosely used cannabis term means but I do know that before a leaf drops the plant will use the goodies it has stored for the benefit of the rest of the plant. You really are grasping at straws now. :rolleyes:

I posted this a million times before but for the new members who can't figure out how to use the Search feature and/or are too lazy, I'll post this again which was rehashed in another forum about 15 years ago. Again and again, with every new crop of newbies.....

Robert O'Connell IS the authority; you are not in spite of your turbo posting about how wonderful it is to butcher your plants.

If plant leaf did not reach a point of when it begins to fall off the plant then why would it even fall off in the first place? I used the word energy because that is what it essentially boils down to in the end of it all. If it benefitted the plant in any way why would it fall off and die? Once it reaches a certain point, if it's not producing energy for the plant or benefitting the plant, even the plant itself defoliates its own branches and leaves. You guys are so pathetic with your claims, I've seen all of you prune and top, that is defoliating, how can you say you dont defoliate? Just because you dont call it that doesnt mean you dont do it.
Alot of people defoliate as a form of super cropping, I tried it last harvest along with bending and topping and acomplished 1lb plus plants, some of the inner bud sites grew as big as the upper ones only take some of the bigger upper fan leaves that block alot of light, guess what they grow back, so not really a huge deal as long as you don't take over 30% and don't defoliate after week 4 flower because leave development slows and the plant focuses almost entirely on bud formation. It is true that the leaves are vital for photosynthesis creating energy from light and that they store food in the leaves, but as long as you dont go crazy and strip half of them and have a good nutrient regimen they will be fine. Ask 4 growers the same question and you'll get 4 different answers. Everybody things everybody else is retarded and there the best grower, but i have used these techniques and have had increased yields. People who come on here just to try to debunk a method and argue somebody elses advice need to get a life, just take everyones advice and facts from reading actual marijuana horticulture books and come up with your own routine that fits your schedule and talent. As far as stress goes I dident find one single seed or hermaphredite flower in the whole 4 lbs I got from 4 plants. If you disagree I don't care guys don't bother trying to argue LOL 2013-05-10 12.27.16.jpg
If plant leaf did not reach a point of when it begins to fall off the plant then why would it even fall off in the first place? I used the word energy because that is what it essentially boils down to in the end of it all. If it benefitted the plant in any way why would it fall off and die? Once it reaches a certain point, if it's not producing energy for the plant or benefitting the plant, even the plant itself defoliates its own branches and leaves. You guys are so pathetic with your claims, I've seen all of you prune and top, that is defoliating, how can you say you dont defoliate? Just because you dont call it that doesnt mean you dont do it.
Man is your head that far lost in your ass to realize wtf you are saying? Fucking killing me here dude. The point you are missing, I havent a clue as to why seeing how plain as its been put to you, the plants "defoliates" itself after the leaf is spent<<< how the fuck is it going to get to that point if YOU cut the motherfucker off first? Defoliating isnt cutting off diseased leaves or ones who have contributed there worthyness to fix a deficiency and are now turning yellow, defoliating is whacking and hacking PERFECTLY HEALTHY leaves. Do you get it now? Pathetic is undoubtedly what glares back at you every morning while you brush your teeth.
Man is your head that far lost in your ass to realize wtf you are saying? Fucking killing me here dude. The point you are missing, I havent a clue as to why seeing how plain as its been put to you, the plants "defoliates" itself after the leaf is spent<<< how the fuck is it going to get to that point if YOU cut the motherfucker off first? Defoliating isnt cutting off diseased leaves or ones who have contributed there worthyness to fix a deficiency and are now turning yellow, defoliating is whacking and hacking PERFECTLY HEALTHY leaves. Do you get it now? Pathetic is undoubtedly what glares back at you every morning while you brush your teeth.

Why does the claim "Just because the plant grew it must have grown it for a reason" mean that defoliating is a wrong approach? I don't see how the two are related. I mean I can make the elementary intuitive leap that an any person with quarter of a brain can make that says why would it even be there if it wash't necessary. But how does that prove anything either? Yes plant leaves create energy from the plant, but a plant leaf also needs energy to grow and support itself. I could also get angry and lose my temper like a kindergardener and call people names to help drive my point home but I don't because that shows a lack of self control and is a sign of poor intelligence.
Man is your head that far lost in your ass to realize wtf you are saying? Fucking killing me here dude. The point you are missing, I havent a clue as to why seeing how plain as its been put to you, the plants "defoliates" itself after the leaf is spent<<< how the fuck is it going to get to that point if YOU cut the motherfucker off first? Defoliating isnt cutting off diseased leaves or ones who have contributed there worthyness to fix a deficiency and are now turning yellow, defoliating is whacking and hacking PERFECTLY HEALTHY leaves. Do you get it now? Pathetic is undoubtedly what glares back at you every morning while you brush your teeth.
You gotta give him credit he is fighting the good his own head! Using AN at half dose, 1200-1400 ppm, how the fuck could I burn my plants! Absolutely priceless in my book.
You gotta give him credit he is fighting the good his own head! Using AN at half dose, 1200-1400 ppm, how the fuck could I burn my plants! Absolutely priceless in my book.

Well I know that the way a marijuana plant grows is that it has 2 cotyledon leaves grow, and provide the new growth with enough energy to develop the first set of leaves. Once those start growing, they provide energy to for the next set of leaves. That First set of true leaves then provides the energy for rapid growth to start. This process of preemptive development to produce further growth is what makes the plant a perfect candidate for for defoliating. Once the plant has grown its canopy, the lower canopy dies off because it did its job already. Same thing with the leaves that are now preventing air flow through the plants. The point of defoliating is to remove those leaves once they have done their job and are no longer necessary to be there.
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