Deformed leaves 3 weeks in flower


Can yall please help. My plants are in 3rd week of flower. They are outdoor, i have no mites at all i know for sure cause i check top and bottom of my leaves with a 120x scope every few days. We have around 11 hrs of light and my back yard stays pitch black so no light hits my plants at all during night time. So what is wrong with these leaves why are they mutating?



Well-Known Member
I see a lot of single and 3 leaves. Maybe a reveg attempt?
My other idea was nitrogen but I don’t think that’s right
Still very new to growing
Someone will be along soon with more knowledge!!


Dont think it can be reveg with under 12 hrs of light and the only light they see at night is moonlight. Ive asked on tons of forums and facebook groups. The only answer ive gotten so far that seems like its possible is its stress from the temp going from 45 degrees F at night -65 degrees during the day for 3 weeks to 65 at night to 85 during the day this week. That and it also rained 4 days a week for 2 weeks then rained 14 days straight. So hopefully my plants will be ok if not im going to literally cry. Hopefully some more experienced growers can help


Well-Known Member
Dont think it can be reveg with under 12 hrs of light and the only light they see at night is moonlight. Ive asked on tons of forums and facebook groups. The only answer ive gotten so far that seems like its possible is its stress from the temp going from 45 degrees F at night -65 degrees during the day for 3 weeks to 65 at night to 85 during the day this week. That and it also rained 4 days a week for 2 weeks then rained 14 days straight. So hopefully my plants will be ok if not im going to literally cry. Hopefully some more experienced growers can help
Other than looking weird I don’t think it should affect the dankness!
Here’s my outdoor plant. I disagree with those others saying it’s stress because I’m in very much the same situation as you with the temps/rain. It’s been nonstop for the last 3 weeks.. I’ve kept it under a glass table but it’s doing fine.
The other pic is of my reveged plant that I ended up killing a few years ago. Notice the single blade and 3 blade leaves? That’s what makes me think reveg. It could be from a different stress, maybe not just the weather?
Last thing I could suggest is genetics? Do you have this single plant or others of the same strain?
Sorry I’m not much help man just didn’t wanna leave ya hanging



Well-Known Member
How is the growth rate? When did you first notice it? Do you have a clearer picture of the whole plant and specifically those yellowing leaves down lower?


Well-Known Member
not sure but my plant is in week 2-3 of flower and it looks like this I don't know if I should just let here keep going really pretty colors so far



Well-Known Member
Just occurred to me Lol.. since tomorrow is the autumnal equinox, those plant must be getting more than 11 hours of daylight.


Well-Known Member
I’d say reveg. My current grow went through it and looked the same. I let mine veg for about 6 weeks after the reveg started sprouting, the leaves start sprouting normal again if you let it go long enough. You’ll know it is a reveg because the old stuff will die


How is the growth rate? When did you first notice it? Do you have a clearer picture of the whole plant and specifically those yellowing leaves down lower?
i first noticed some of the leaves deforming like 2 weeks before flowering started. Ppl said nitrogen toxicity. But then it rained 4 days a week for 3 weeks then rained 14 days straight so i didnt give them any nutrients at all during that time. Then i notice the yellowing about 5 days ago so i gave them 1/2 dose of fox farm tiger bloom that day with some cal mag. So its been around a week now since they got nutrients and that yellowing started and its not gotten any better nor any worse. So to sum it all up ive had deformed leaves since august. Have had yellowing leaves for about a week now. I notice my buds getting bigger every 2 days u can tell the difference


I’d say reveg. My current grow went through it and looked the same. I let mine veg for about 6 weeks after the reveg started sprouting, the leaves start sprouting normal again if you let it go long enough. You’ll know it is a reveg because the old stuff will die
im outdoor in Michigan my plants get 11 to 12 hrs of daylight and its pitch black all night and my flowers are still growing so i dont see how its possible to be reveg


So here is a timeline.
Dark deformed leaves started in early august, about 7 weeks ago still in veg.
Rained 4 or 5 days a week for most of august.
Gave fox farm grow big nutes first week of september. 2 days later thet started flowering.
Rained for 14 days straight. No nutes during that period.
5 to 7 days ago i noticed yellowing. Gave molasses, fox farm tiger bloom and calmag.
As of today i see no change in leaves. They arent getting better nor are they getting worse.
I check bud growth every 2 days since they started flowering and see they are definitely growing. But leaves are still dark green/blueish and also have the yellowing on certain leaves aa well. So it looks like nitrogen toxicity in some parts of the plants and nitrogen deficiency in some parts. So it has me confused as fuck


Well-Known Member
So here is a timeline.
Dark deformed leaves started in early august, about 7 weeks ago still in veg.
Rained 4 or 5 days a week for most of august.
Gave fox farm grow big nutes first week of september. 2 days later thet started flowering.
Rained for 14 days straight. No nutes during that period.
5 to 7 days ago i noticed yellowing. Gave molasses, fox farm tiger bloom and calmag.
As of today i see no change in leaves. They arent getting better nor are they getting worse.
I check bud growth every 2 days since they started flowering and see they are definitely growing. But leaves are still dark green/blueish and also have the yellowing on certain leaves aa well. So it looks like nitrogen toxicity in some parts of the plants and nitrogen deficiency in some parts. So it has me confused as fuck
Check ph. Too me that’s what would lock out/allow nutrient uptake in different parts.. maybe not just guessing. That’s what I’ve been worried about with all the rain


Check ph. Too me that’s what would lock out/allow nutrient uptake in different parts.. maybe not just guessing. That’s what I’ve been worried about with all the rain
how do i check the ph when they are in the ground? When i water them myself i ph my water between 6.0-6.5 but i googled that the rain water here is 4.6 on average.


What kind of fertz are you using? thats definitely going to be Nitrogen toxicity and lock out. I see this all the time when ppm's and ph skyrocket, that bluish hue gives it away.
what flowering ferts do you recommend and at what ppm? My water is well water its around 8.0 ph and 360 ppm before i add any nutrients and ph down


Well-Known Member
So the yellowing leaves, are they just uniform yellow or at they mottled. To tell the truth, when I first saw the sixth picture I thought reveg or, (and I can’t believe I’m going to suggest this, and I’ll probably take a lot of shit for it, and there has never been a confirmed case on cannabis probably because the testing is too expensive) but maybe TMV.