Deformed leaves?

Hi all, could do with a little bit of advice here, as really not sure whats happening or why it's happening. Basically, the second lot of leaves came out and, well, to be honest the looked weird, there all crinkley as you can see in the photo and I have no idea why. They started showing like this right from when you could first properly see the leaves and I just left them to see if it would grow out but nah, there just more visible. Has any of you got an idea what it could be?

Thanks in advance,


26.03.2011 2.jpg26.03.2011 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
I got 5 small seedlings strarted, one of them is kinda ugly they all got the same treatment.
Some plants are just ugly ducklings....

Ps- Dont let your plant know that you think shes ugly , it could stress her. Tell her shes bueatyfull an talk baby talk to her.
Oh I do talk to them, all the time.. I firmly believe it helps them! Ha ha My misses hates it, but that don't stop me, hell, I've even been known to sing to them lol :D Thanks for the advice though,

Kind Regards,



Active Member
Some strains genetically have more leaves. It's a mutation. It's also rumored that the amount of light on the plant can contribute to the number of leaves, but I don't think that has anything to do with it. If that were the case 10,000w grows would have 10 leaf'd plants, which they don't ALWAYS. I wouldn't worry about it.

P.S.: Cannabis loves Celine Dion.
Thanks, it certainly has made me worry less, and it does seem that the plant is just getting on with it and I can see more leaves are coming through so thank you for the help.

Kind regards,



Well-Known Member
what kind of soil? it may be a bit hot for the young plant. If I had to guess i'd say its one of 3 things-the soil you have is a bit hot for seedlings, if thats whats wrong you dont really need to worry, it will get over it. My second guess would be your ph is off, although since you just started i dont see how you could of messed up your soils ph at this point even if you have been giving water w/ a ph outside the 6.0-7.0 range. Third would be a watering problem, how often and how much are you watering?
The growing plants are watered only when the soil is dried up, this seems to be around the 3-4 day mark. The new seeds in the jiffy pellets on the other hand are again being watered when the soil is dry and the pellets are feeling light, but this is around the 24 hour mark. The soil that I am using is Bio-Bizz soil, but al the seeds have started life in jiffy pellets, when it comes to potting then, I just but the jiffy's in the pot, raising the pellet to the desired high with Bio-Bizz soil the surround the jiffys with the soil. The temp seems ok in the case but I wouldn't put any guarantee's on that has I have no thermometer, but I have got an intake on the case and exhaust and also put a circulation fan in which has mad one hell of a difference to the plants growing rate.
I don't know if any of this help determined the problem or even if there is one. And I'm not sure if this is all the right things to be doing, although it does seem to be working. Thanks again.

Kind regards,


P.s the strain that I'm using is Super Skunk if that makes any difference.