deformed new growth and holes appearing in leaves?

since yeserday morning i have noticed on my autoflowers that some of a leafs looked like it had been eaten by something, i checked for bugs but can't see any, this morning when i wake up another leaf has a couple holes in it, the new growth looks abit twisted and stuff and ive noticed that some leaves are beginning to look discoloured and stuff, white spots appearing and the bottom 2 leaves on one plant feels dry and crispy also is also turning an odd colour, this is my first ever grow and i don't think i'm even going to make it to flowering on an autoflower lol.

any help would be much appreciated thankyou for your time
im using biobizz light, ph is 6.5-7 and im using biogrow at 1ml as my plants are only young.

heres some pictures sorry about the quality iphone camera's are rubbish



Active Member
DonAlejandroVega's questions need answering, but I get this myself if I slightly over-feed it seems.

However, I await your answers to DAV's questions with interest.


Active Member
Here is my thread on the subject

Note that my final post says I think I've nailed it with pyrethrin. A week or so later, some more new growth appeared, deformed and with holes in just like yourself.

I have re-sprayed with pyrethrin just-in-case, but like you I see no bugs.

It had not occurred to me until recently that I had upped feed a couple of days before (I am in coco so see these effects quicker than in soil) to 25ml per 10 l (each of canna a&b) from 20ml. My humidity naturally rests around 65%, temps are usually 23C lights on, 15-18C lights off. I water usually once ever two days, each time with feed, but give a flush every 10 days or so.


Well-Known Member
R they outside man? Looks like grasshoppers to me they wont hang around they eat and run dude not much u can do build a greenhouse other bit look like scale ive only done 1 outdoor grow so I wouldnt really know about nuts my outdoor grow I used miracle grow the fish and seaweed one liquid mix it up 1 feed lasts like 4 weeks
If they r indoor how old r they this my auto its 3 weeks oldq


HI ALL thanks for the replies so quickly, i am growing out doors in the uk, so i cant really control humidity, i bring the plants indoors onto my window ledge when its raining until i get a greenhouse in a couple weeks when they kick into flowering if they make it that far.. i have fed them both about 3 times, 1st feedings was litterally a droplet of biogrow because i didnt have a 1ml measurer but now i've gotten one so the last time i fed them i gave 1ml of bio in with about 2-3 litres of water, i havent gave just water to them since ive started feeding do you think that is the case? im growing in big pots too so you can't really see the run off when i water/feed them im only lightly giving it to them too, !! hope this makes sense as im baked :O

thankyou again guys very much appreciated!!!
and isn't biobizz light mix ph automatically the right ph level so if i add 6.5-7.0 phed water wouldn't the soil buffer the water to the correct ph? thats what i thought so i ruled out the possibility of it being ph related, i also did a little research about an hour about and it looks sort of familiar with manganese deficiency any one else agree?


Active Member
:o different situation from me then, I'm indoors in coco not outdoors in soil, so I'd imagine a different kettle of fish. Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Had the same issue with my skunk auto, lower leaves had some holes and tears, i believe its from over-fert. Im growing indoors and my tent is pest-free.