Deformed Yellowing New Growth On Shoots Holes In Fan Leaves


Well-Known Member
okay well im going to make this thorough because this problem is occuring on pretty much all my plants. they're about 6-7 weeks into vegetation(about 2" to 2.5" in hieght), i'm using a 400 watt and a 240 watt in about 48 cubic feet(maybe 15 squared feet) ave. temp 97 -103 deg ave humidity 60 % everything was going fine.

about two days before the problem occured i had stopped feeding my plants nut because i though i might have been over feeding them. a day before the problem occured i gave them a pretty concentrated epsom foliar spray. that day i also watered them and left enough water in the trays it lasted for most of the day

my friend brought it to my attention that i should not have excess water sitting in the plants for that long and that i might have a fungus problem. the thing is that the whole time they have been growing i've let them sit with water in their trays.

the new growth is curling, dying, necrotic, looks possibly like i sprayed a chemical on it but it only appears on the new growth.

before this massive death that's overtaking my babies, there has been little holes appearing in the leaves. i dont think there are any bugs in the room though.

here's the pictures... i cannot tell whether they are getting better or worse
Hey did you ever figure out what the problem was that you were having?

I am having the EXACT same issue with an Aeroponics grow. My temps are lower though mid 70's


New Member
well it looks like more of ph issues prob and a micro nutrient remember if i a def starts on the bottom of a plant is a macro nutrient NPK if it starts on top either ph locking out or your needing to add some micro nutrients