Defund Police

Willingly ignorant or willingly complicit. Time is growing short.
It is, those wheels of justice just keep on turning on your (lol I guess if you are not a cat fishing foreign propaganda troll) traitorous handlers. All those decades of hard work utterly exposed by Trump when he was stupid enough to run his mouth about wanting a foreign nation to help him out and exposed the entire con.
Willingly ignorant or willingly complicit. Time is growing short.
Classic Goebbels, accuse others of your own lies and crimes, Trump does it all the time to confuse his fools. Racism makes ya stupid and you are a prime example of it.

If you are a Russian, you are a stupid and incompetent one, I'm betting yer a racist American idiot, who missed the the capitol insurrection because ya couldn't afford the bus fare to DC.