

I have a dehumidifier on hand. Could I use this for curing? If I just leave that on in a dark room next to my open jars, will this dry out my bud better in anyway, or is it better to let moister leave at a slower rate?


Well-Known Member
Yeah buddy I'm not an expert but from everything I've read the point of curing is to slowly dry. The dehumidifier would only speed up the drying and defeat the purpose of curing. I have a dehumidifier but have only used it when I hang dry if my humidity is above 50%. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
actually, contrary to what you may think. One of these devices would only HELP things. Not harm anything..

there's a whole science behind it.. a science that I know but, don't have time to explain.

but, if you stop and really think about it.. it would only help the process. Not hurt it.. :|



Well-Known Member
hmm, I always have a better smoke when it's cured slower at higher humidity than a fast cure under drier conditions.
More tasty, less harsh.
The faster the cure, the higher amount of chlorophyll is left in the plant, and not to mention the higher amount of chlorophyll you have, the less the plant has converted it to plant "sugars" that are primarily what gives the cannabis it's flavor.
In my experience anyways.
If you meant help the drying process than i'd agree completely, but not the "curing" process.


Active Member
I'd use the dehumidifier during the hang-dry. While curing, I use these organic apple chips that wick the moisture from the bud evenly. It's cool because its cheap and disposable, some would say edible. It adds this awesome spicy taste because of they have some cinnamon on them. Just a thought.