Delahaze screw up!


Ok so I refilled the res Saturday night and figured they'd be ok Sunday night while I was out of town.. I came back Monday night to water and the Delahaze looked horrible! She looks dry and crispy but she is just yellow and very droopy. There are some crispy leaves but those are few far and in between. The super silver haze and liberty haze were barely phased but he Delahaze about its 3rd week into flower looks a mess! I need help or just cut her down :( currently grow room is about 78 RO water with GH nutes rhizotonic and cannazym. Roots look good just not sure what to do.. Wait it out? Any help appreciated!


Mowgli Ma-Fên

Well-Known Member
how can one screw up the gooddess!?
really cant tell shit with them lights on but umh looks like too much nutes+too hot


From the day before..

EDIT: I was rereading my post and didn't put the problem in... She was out of water by Monday night the WF bucket was dry. Oops!


Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
She'll probably live, you won't get the yield you were headed for prior to this, but if you don't let that happen again it will probably turn out OK. Seems to me it is probably pretty hot and dry in there, from the looks of it.


Humidity is about 60% temps stay about 78.. This grow has been hectic from the beginning! 3 locations etc.. That's why it sucks to see this beauty go through this. The super silver haze is getting there the liberty haze is not too far behind. The dela was leading the pack.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Humidity is about 60% temps stay about 78.. This grow has been hectic from the beginning! 3 locations etc.. That's why it sucks to see this beauty go through this. The super silver haze is getting there the liberty haze is not too far behind. The dela was leading the pack.
Delahaze is a great plant. I got 92 grams off my first grow with it, with only two week veg time and grown under fluorescents. Sorry for your trouble, hope you have a clone, or that this girl makes it. Make sure to test temps on the canopy and at the roots to compare.


Hopefully when I get home today I'll check on her and she will be full of life risen from the dead! A fella can dream can't he? Lol